Warframe, the free-to-play game released in 2013, has grown more and more powerful. Digital Extremes initially released the game on PC, before installing it on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, then Nintendo Switch in November 2018. With Tenno playing on four different platforms, you might be wondering if the game supports it. Crossplay load.
Unfortunately, Warframe does not support a cross play feature at this time. The developers have talked about Crossplay in the past and mentioned that they wanted to bring something to the game. While they never explained in detail why this would be difficult to do, the answer apparently lies in the way the game is played. manages the multiplayer mode.
Shared servers facilitate cross play in the majority of games. Players from different platforms do not need to be able to communicate with each other, only with the server they are playing on. Warframe uses peer-to-peer connection and player hosting for its multiplayer aspect. Without a server buffer between them, it could be very difficult to get Crossplay to work in the game.
The issue would be further complicated by how Warframe updates are currently being released. PC will get updates and new content first, with those same updates usually arriving on consoles within two weeks of the console manufacturers certification process. Cross-play would require Digital Extremes to hold content ready to stream on one platform, in order to ensure parity of the player experience across all platforms. While this delay may seem annoying for console gamers, it usually means that all bugs and issues have been identified and resolved by the time the content is released on those platforms.
We'd expect Crossplay to be coming to Warframe anytime soon, but it's a feature we'd love to see added to the game.