Capcom announced the temporary return to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne of some event missions already appeared in the base game.
The return of Monster Hunter World event missions
They return in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, which have recently been revealed variants of Brachydos and Rajang, and on which it is the Rural Set for Felyne is back, event missions directly from the base game.
Since 21 February to 20 March, in fact, you will be able to play missions which, as well as the Set di mega man per felyne, reappear in the expansion after an original release in Monster Hunter World base.
These are the three Royal Event Missions, Master Rank: "The Moon is a severe queen", "M'illumino argento" and "The three kings". The latter will end earlier than the other two, on March 13th.
"The moon is a stern queen" involves the hunt for one Golden Rathian, while "M'illumino argento" that of a Rathalos argentato. Both missions are Master Rank 6 and will allow you to obtain materials from their respective monsters.
Regarding "I tre re", Capcom calls it" a great mission to increase your hunter rank and master rank ", and it will also allow you to obtain units of Dragon elder gem to improve your equipment.
This last mission requires a teacher grade 5, and will therefore be excellent for increasing your rank in view of the next two missions.
In addition to these returning missions Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, several other timed missions are also available this week.
- Messenger of Destruction
- Blue powder, passion red
- A simple request
- Track the delivery
- No future for the usurpers
- The heir to the throne
- Wild dispute
- Great no-brainer
We also remind you that, until March 13, the master grade 2 mission "The dream of all hunters II" will also be available, which will allow you to obtain the "Tremogliola α +" set, winner of the design competition.