As already announced several days ago, Capcom has revealed through a trailer the 2 new variants coming to Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, or the Rabbioso Brachydios and Furious Rajang.
The two variants were included in the roadmap drawn up for the first half of 2020, and will be available in March on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and in April on PC (the month in which, among other things, consoles and PCs will get the same updates and therefore will receive them simultaneously from there on).
Monster Hunter: World and expansion Iceborne are available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
For more information on the title, we invite you to take a look at our articles dedicated to 2nd anniversary celebrations and the two new Master Grade sets for Felyne, namely the Set Rurale and Set in Mega Man.
A jump into the past
The two variants aren't new, but they come from past games in the series.
Notably, the Rajang Furioso was first introduced in Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite, while the Brachydios Rabbioso (formerly known as Brachydios Brutale) was introduced with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
As for the new moves, in general the variants have never had noteworthy particularities in the moveset, even if from the trailer it is possible to see a new area attack that the variant of the Brachydios will be able to exploit.
Any changes from this point of view will therefore be noticed only once the two monsters are available in the game.
The two variants will not be the last monsters to be introduced in the game in the first half of the year.
For April, in fact, the arrival of new ones has already been confirmed Arcitemprati and new versions of existing monsters for the Master Rank, while a monster in fan favorites.
At the moment, without considering any variants, there are only 4 monsters not available in Master Rank, namely the Zora Magdaros, the Behemot, the Leshen and the Kulve Taroth.
If we also include the monsters represented only by variants, the Nergigante, the Vaal Hazak, the Bazelgeuse and the Deviljho are also missing.
On the Arch-tempered and the May monster, on the other hand, it is more difficult to make assumptions, even if for the former it is probable that they will return some already included in the High Rank or at most for some new monsters such as Namielle.
For further confirmations, however, we will have to wait for statements from Capcom.