How to get the Finn LMG in Modern Warfare
To unlock the Finn LMG all you need to do is get 1 melee murder using a LMG in 7 different matches. It's a pretty easy challenge to complete, and it should be a lot easier than normal given that most Modern Warfare players will be trying to mingle in melee over the next few days. Much like Modern Warfare's other melee challenges, having the right loadout can help you jump on unsuspecting enemies. Equip Dead silence like your Field upgrade move silently and use Double time et Tracker as your advantages to quickly approach your goals. You will be moving slower than usual as you must have an LMG equipped, but you can compensate for this by using a more mobile pistol like the SA87 or even a personalized PKM. Play on small cards also helps.
If you have some Points COD land you prefer to bypass the challenge completely, then you can always buy the Ensemble Finn LMG in the store. This bundle is called Central unit, but it has not yet been released to the store, so there is no pricing yet. It could be bundled with the new operator Death, which would make it a lot more expensive, but it could also be sold on its own with a few additional items. The Rytec AMR can be purchased as a bundle for 1200 points COD, for example, but carrier bundles tend to cost around 2400 points COD. We'll update this article when the Mainframe Pack arrives in the Modern Warfare Store.