How to escape the resistance hangar
One of the first obstacles on the way back is running away from the Hulk you meet. After our first encounter with Dr. Banner while he is a rampaging Hulk, we can finally slow down and continue moving up towards the central Resistance area. Shortly thereafter you find yourself in the hangar which can be a bit confusing if you don't know what you are doing.
To advance past this area, you must first find the ramp in the middle area as shown in the picture above and go up towards the end of it. Look for the yellow switch that you can hit with your arms to advance a platform towards you, allowing you to advance higher. This can be done by holding down the left trigger to aim, then pressing the right trigger to throw your arms at it. Just jump from the ramp and press the corresponding button to stretch your arms for it.
Once you are on the upper platform, you can move around and find a wall that you need to cross. From there, you can flip another switch to bring the platform down into the distance. Again, do a jump and use your extendable arms to grab onto it and do another jump to the farthest platform.
Once in this room, there is a chest you can open that gives you your first gear and a way to turn on the power. From there, you can press another switch to move the platform you recently used to open a new path. Jump on it, then use the ramp on it to jump to the next one and make sure you stretch to get it. From there you will finally be out of the hangar and attacked by more enemies.