Mario Kart tour all about the efficiency with which you can maneuver around the track. You face lots of AI units chasing you relentlessly or gaining a huge lead over your driver. The best thing to do is learn to position your rider in such a way as to increase speed slightly when running on the track. There are analytical techniques you can use to achieve these slight bursts, such as drifting, using an accelerated jump, or even leveraging a wake.
How to rise, drift and slide in Mario Kart Tour
Jump reinforcement
One easy thing you can do to gain some speed before the competition is to take advantage of the benefits of jumping. Drivers will naturally accelerate the jumps each time their vehicle goes up in the air. For example, if they come off a ramp, fly through the air after a water explosion, or jump over a tree stump, they will jump and do a little animation. The jump provides players with a brief push forward after receiving the jump boost. You'll know your driver has jumped forward when he soars into the air and gets up from his seat.
You will learn that not all objects on the track will be an obstacle. If you direct your pilot correctly, you can deviate from it. There are fallen trees on a track that players can use to launch into, giving them an added edge in the middle of a race. Potential objects include oysters underwater. However, you are going to need to learn how to time and orient your pilot to successfully complete the jump. It takes time to master and optimally develop boost boosts.
You'll learn more about drifting during the in-game tutorial, and you can practice it on one of the starter tracks. It's good to go through this process a few times, but you might find that it becomes difficult on other tracks, especially when you have to take other riders into account. When drivers hit you or throw dangerous objects at you, they will disrupt your attempt to drift. Unfortunately, without a defensive element like a green shell or a banana on your back, you're going to be interrupted. Despite this, drift is a central part of Mario Kart Tour. You're going to find if you want to grab the top spot, you've got to master it. The best way to do this is kind of like getting the best jump boost: practicing and memorizing the runs.
A great way to demonstrate track knowledge is to bank your driver about 30 to 45 degrees as you approach a turn. A rookie error leans too hard in a turn. You will probably never be able to activate the drift because you have to hold it for a few seconds. You should also do this about three or four seconds before you get to the turn. Hitting a drift too late means you'll land in the opposite wall and struggle to calm down on the track.
When you reach the ideal drift, blue sparks shoot out from the bottom of your car. You want to hold it for a few seconds, then let go when you're ready to equalize, and you're going to get a boost from that action. You'll launch forward, much like you would with a jump boost, and gain a bit of traction. Even if the boost doesn't last forward, you can use that momentum to get past a troublesome driver or increase your lead.
To get a larger, more useful drift, hold it until the blue sparks turn orange. This gives you a great mini-turbo, with a longer, more useful boost.
Now you are ready to go. You know you have become a more invested Mario Kart Tour player when you start to think about how to slide. You are going to use this technique when you are behind another pilot because there is no other way to do it.
A wake occurs when you position yourself behind a pilot in the race. You will maintain a short distance behind them, holding it for a few seconds, then you will receive a burst of speed. The burst of speed will come out of your exhaust in a glowing orange, propelling you past you in a brief surge. The key is to stay calm behind the opposing driver. You also need to find the best way to take advantage of this mechanism. You don't want to do this at the start of a race because going too far forward will place a target on your back. However, doing it on the second round, in the middle of the track with little to no item blocks coming up, will give you the boost you need to take the top spot.
By using and optimizing your art to use these techniques during a race in Mario Kart Tour, you will find yourself taking first place more often. These three mechanics take a lot of practice, so don't be afraid to redo the tracks you've already completed.