It's new challenge day is here in Mario Kart Tour! Once a week, we will have access to new challenges to earn Grand Stars. One of the challenges this week is hitting three shells with green shells in a single stroke, with a pilot carrying one shell. As such, we will need very specific pilots to meet this challenge.
Mario Kart Tour - How to land 3 shots with green seashells in a race, with a driver wearing a seashell
To meet this challenge, we are limiting ourselves to pilots who have a shell and a special Green Shell element.
- Dry bones - Triple green shell
- Iggy - Triple Green Shells
- Lakitu - Triple green shell
While a single green shell is an item any rider can pick up in a race, Triple Green Shells will give you the best chance of completing it in one race, as getting three green shells would be quite rare. You can also increase your chances by using the above pilots on courses where they can get a frenzy. Frenzy lets you spam your special ability if you manage to collect three identical items from the same item box.
The courses that will allow pilots to frenzy are listed below:
- Dry Bones – Château de Bowser 1T, Shy Guy Bazar T
- Iggy - Ile De Choco 2R
- Lakitu – T Pinball Waluigi, Circuit Mario 3T, Promenade T à Paris, Circuit Toad, Circuit Mario 2T, Ghost Valley 1T
As you can see, if you are lucky enough to have Lakitu, this driver gives you the most chance to complete this challenge on a course that suits you. All you have to do is grab item boxes and hit targets with your green seashells. Remember they go in a straight line, so get as close to your target as possible before throwing them! You can also throw them behind you, by sliding the screen down, to eliminate any pilot that gets too close.