There is no better way to play a Nintendo game than with your friends, especially if it's Mario Kart because there is no way to ask you to care without yelling at them in anger while you are. 'they send you a blue shell when you win close to first place. The same goes for Mario Kart Tour, Nintendo's latest mobile game inspired by the Mario Kart franchise. Can you add friends to your mobile gaming profile?
How to add friends to Mario Kart Tour
The friend schedule will play out when the ranking system opens in the game, which will unlock when you complete the Yoshi race. When the leaderboard information unlocks, you're going to need your friends' Nintendo Codes. Go to the "Friends" section of the game and you will see a 12 digit code available that you can give to your friends. When you provide them with this code, they will have the option to send you a friend request which you can accept.
When you have the option to add friends, you can see how they compare to your faces and see their nickname linked to their profile. Hopefully in the future when multiplayer is released, you and your buddy can take on the AI or other players of the same title. You may be able to party and participate in matches, which will make it easier and make the waiting process more difficult.
Multiplayer isn't available yet, and we'll learn more about how players can play online with their friends when that happens. Multiplayer will be unlocked in an upcoming update, likely in October, given the positive response from the game as a whole.
Note to editors: A previously published version of this article described misreported friends being related to multiplayer, not the game's ranking system. This error has been fixed.