First of all, power-ups like the fire flower help a lot here. Throw a fireball and you can create a visible path. Hitting the ground will also reveal a larger area of invisible gateways - and lastly, you can just wait for Giga Bowser to appear. Any additional platforms that appear cause large sections of the invisible tower to appear, making it easier to navigate. Even if Giga Bowser throws fireballs at you.
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Trickity Tower 100% Completion Guide | All the cat shines and the cat parts

Cat Piece # 1: After entering the level you will find a large round platform on the bridge with your first cat shard. You can't get it yet, but the coin is behind. Go forward and you will find this room under the invisible bridge.

Cat Piece # 2: Above the first enemy, the launching point descends the invisible ramp.

Cat Piece # 3: After the second spiker roller course, you will have to stomp on the crates to progress. You can use Cat Mario to climb the wall above the crates, or wait for Giga Bowser to appear and bounce - either way, the cat's coin is on top of that big stack of crates.

Cat Piece # 4: When you reach the invisible tower, follow the path to the right, then jump to the Cat Coin on an invisible platform nearby. Get it before you reach the ramp with two sharp rollers.

Cat Piece # 5: The last cat piece is at the top of the invisible tower. Before descending, descend to the platform below on the path to the tower.
Chat Shine # 1: Collect the 5 cat coins to earn this shard.

Chat Shine # 2: Reach the top of the invisible tower and go down to get this shard. Crush the invisible path to make a larger section appear.

Chat Shine # 3: Bowser blocks are easy to spot this time. They are to the right of the lighthouse. Wait for Giga Bowser to detonate them, then use the invisible gateway to reach it.

Chat Shine # 4: After completing the level, come back later and a blue P-Switch will appear. This is another blue coins quest - you have to get the blue coins that appear before the time runs out. It's simple most of the time - you can run at normal speed without a sprint and finish the sprint. Remember there is a jump for the last four blue pieces!

Chat Shine # 5: Come back later (again) and a big floor switch will appear at the entrance. Hit it and go up - if you complete the obstacle course in 20 seconds or less, you will get that glow. To make it easier for you, click on "? »Blocks near the entrance to get a fire flower. Throwing fire flowers will quickly show you the invisible path.