If you have to purchase a game for Nintendo Switch, make sure it is Luigi Mansion’s 3. The last chapter of the series is a container of comedy, dark environments, stimulating mechanics and peculiar ghosts. All condensed into a journey that will lead you to save the good Mario and your closest friends from the clutches of King Boo.
Who you gonna call? Luigi!
Finally a well deserved vacation! After years of hard work, adventures and tightrope races, Luigi, Mario, Peach and three Toads decide to enjoy a little rest inside theHotel Miramostri. I know, the name could have been a clue, but in reality, as often happens, appearances can be deceiving. Upon arrival, our friendly quintet finds himself in front of an imposing and elegant structure, full of zealous factors ready to help you and to meet their every need.
However, things change quickly: Peach's scream disturbs the sleep of Luigi who immediately rushes out of the room. A few seconds to understand the situation and then off, in a desperate attempt to save himself. The unbridled luxury, the kind staff and the thousand and one nights rooms have in fact given way to ghosts, mice and cobwebs.
And the friends? Lost. Fallen under the hands of the treacherous Re Boo which by now has taken possession of the whole building. Escape is impossible and it is not even a possibility. In fact, our trembling hero cannot and does not want to abandon his friends. Fortunately, he is not alone: a quick tour of the basement will allow him to reunite with his Poltergust G-00, the perfect weapon for our ghostbuster.
Luigi's Mansion 3 review: the rubber doppelganger
However, the Poltergust G-00 will not be your only partner in this venture that will take you from the basement to the top floor of the Hotel Miramostri. In fact, he will also be there with you the indispensable flashlight. A combination that he will put in Luigi's fearful hands a real Swiss army knife. You can therefore suck up any kind of object - as long as it is not overly large -, but also reject - or even "shoot" - everything around you, shoot mice and ghosts and throw strange darts that resemble a plunger. A great way to hook the most massive objects and finally beat them like carpets.
A new function of the Poltergust G-00 will also be particularly useful: Gommiluigi, a doppelganger of our protagonist composed of a strange substance. Its peculiarities? He can slip through the bars, slip into the grates and do everything good Luigi does with his two faithful instruments. All without ever affecting the life of the original.
I know, it seems like the ultimate trick, but Gommiluigi actually has two big limitations: he has to stay on the same screen as our hero - which excludes free walks around the hotel - and the water makes him vulnerable.
- Help Luigi save Mario and friends in a thrilling adventure
- Go through the various floors one at a time, solving puzzles and seeing it with hordes of mischievous ghosts
- Hunt ghosts with a friend locally or online in "The Tower of Mayhem", or go wild with others ...
Phantasmagoric puzzles and soap opera ghosts
To make Luigi's Mansion 3 a real masterpiece we think a lot of elements, starting from funny and never banal puzzles that you will meet on your way. The trick? Be practical. In fact, everything revolves around the use of the torch, the Poltergust G-00 and Gommiluigi. The latter is not only a means to be exploited but can also become a valid ally: you can in fact use your ghostbuster weapon at the same time, which guarantees greater suction power or the possibility of acting on two different mechanisms at the same time.
Ghosts will also enliven your adventure. They will often surprise you, surround you, and force you to act quickly. The real plus, however, are the bosses at the end of the level. Or rather, at the end of the floor. Each of them is incredibly peculiar: from the possessed pianist who throws a huge piano at you to the chef who defends himself with a pan to avoid being hit and therefore blocked by the beam of your flashlight.
In short, the variety is not lacking and the game will give you a bit of a hard time. Nothing extremely difficult, mind you. If you want to raise the level of the challenge you will have to shift your attention up collectibles. In fact, each floor hides five gems: finding them will not be easy and getting them even less. In addition there are the Boo, fspecial antasmas that you can locate using Gommiluigi. In fact, the latter will vibrate conspicuously when it is in the vicinity of these enemies, thus helping you to flush them out.
To make these two tasks easier - by actually lowering the challenge level - there are two items that you can buy from Dr. Strambic, the first friend you will be able to free. Using the coins collected along the way you can in fact have useful tips on where to find both the Boos and the gems, effectively halving the complexity of the enterprise.
Fear makes… 8.
Yes Yes i know. It is said that "fear makes 90", but 8 is the number of players expected by the minigames Luigi's Mansion 3. Here you'll have the chance to catch ghosts, use a cannon to hit targets or collect coins. All activities that you will find incredibly hilarious.
If you prefer something less comic you can opt for the Tower of Chaos. However, it comes down to two players, called to work together to free all the floors of the tower by eliminating every single ghost present.
Luigi's Mansion 3 review: buy it or not?
You will have already figured it out. Luigi's Mansion 3, for me, is an absolute yes. Yes for the sympathy of Luigi Il Fifone. Yes for the varied and perfectly designed settings. Yes, because it is smooth and suitable for everyone, even for those who do not want to over-brain. Yes for the well-kept technical sector and the inspired soundtrack.
Of course, if we want, we can find some defects, starting, for example, from the search for collectibles, but they are all elements on which we can postpone. In short, put the magnifying glass aside, relax and enjoy the journey.
Luigi's Mansion 3
- Incredibly fun
- Challenging gameplay
- Excellent graphics
- Flawless soundtrack
- Within everyone's reach ...
- ... but perhaps unrewarding for veterans
- Search for collectibles can be improved