How to buy turnips
Daisy Mae will arrive on your island every Sunday morning from midnight until noon. She'll just walk around, never being in the same place at any given time. So you'll want to run around your city to find it. Once you've done that, you can find out how much she's charging this week for white turnips. We'll come back to pricing later, but basically you'll want to get an idea of what turnips are selling for during the week. It's hit or miss, but in general anything less than 100 bells is good to buy, although you might be out of luck.
How can you be unlucky? Because the turnips are bad. As soon as Daisy appears, all of your old turnips will rot and be useless. You just have to sell them at a loss or throw them away. So that brings us to the next question of what to do once you have a bunch of turnips.
How to sell turnips
Once you have a bunch of turnips ready to sell, you just need to go to Nook's Cranny every day to find out how much Timmy and Tommy are paying for them. This can vary wildly (again, see below), but you'll always want to be sure they're sold for more than what you paid for. Of course, if it's already Saturday, the price is probably quite low and you will have to sell them or watch them go to waste. Just be sure to check in with Nook every day and grab your turnips to sell once the price hits what you want. And also keep in mind that different islands have different prices, so you can always ask your friends and join them to sell your turnips. There will definitely be groups set up to share turnip prices and allow people to sell in their town, so watch them if you want to take this seriously. Of course, there are some important things to keep in mind here, so let's break down the prices.
At what price to buy and sell turnips?
It really varies depending on how much you've paid and what's on offer. If you are making a profit, so much the better. But the next day could have given you a lot more bells if you had been patient. There is no way to be sure, so be careful and base your decisions on how important the bells are to you. In general, the prices of turnips vary from 90 to 110 to buy. Selling prices at Nook's can vary wildly, starting as low as 15 bells and going all the way up to 800. This is extremely rare, but selling them for 200-300 bells is quite common if you are diligent in checking or are in. able to visit another player's island.
In the last game, New Leaf, you could usually identify a pattern. There were four of them, either totally random, rising, falling, or a small peak. Once we have a few weeks of the Stalk Market under our belts, we can see if New Horizons offers the same predictability. So check back for more as the game grows.
Here's everything you need to know about buying and selling turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Things may change as we explore this huge game more, so go back and let us know your best turnip deal.