In a series first, you can also acquire weapons. Heavy pipes, hammers and other simple tools give you the power to smash certain enemies. No enemy is easy - they all have a few tricks up their sleeves to keep you on your toes. Others are complete strangers, and you will have to learn what makes them tick if you are to survive.
We have all the villains listed below. You can fight some of them. Some of them cannot be avoided. We have tips to help you navigate them all.
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Chapter 2: Schoolchildren
The game's first major enemy. Schoolchildren are living puppets that pause before attacking you. If they pounce on you, the game is over. They will always make you win in one fell swoop. They can be destroyed with one hit with any weapon. The trick is all in the timing.
When a puppet child runs over you, wait for them to pause before they attack. Take a step towards them and swing your weapon to strike the dome dead. After a few exercises, you will know which range they will typically pause. If you stand still, your weapon will likely be out of range. You have to move towards them when they stop moving - they will still stop moving, even if you get close to them.
School kids can be boring, but with a little practice you'll be able to shoot them perfectly in the head one at a time.

Chapter 3: Creeping Hands
Creeping hands are one of the toughest enemies in the game - until you learn how to beat them. Creeping hands can dodge your attacks. When you try to hit them, they jump sideways or backwards, then counterattack after a while. When they pull back, it means they're about to strike. Instead of directly charging you like schoolchildren, they will always stop just out of range of your gun.
To make their fight easier - especially difficult when you have to fight two of them at the same time - do a simple sprint while holding a weapon and dodge their attacks. Unlike school kids, their lunge attack will miss if you move sideways. When they land to recover, you can hit them while they are stunned.
Creeping hands take 3 hits to win. Don't touch them first. Flee or dodge, then attack when they run out. It makes those difficult enemies much, much easier.

Chapter 3: Prosthetic patients
Prosthetic patients are a different type of pain. These quivering monstrosities only come to life when they are in total darkness. You will have to use your flashlight to repel them. When a patient is near, the controls on your flashlight will change - your “Look” controls will become a rotate control. Instead of looking up and down, you will now rotate in a circle.
This way you can move in one direction and face your flashlight in another. This makes it much easier to fight hordes of them. Sometimes a flash of light is enough to keep them frozen in place. Keep moving and don't run. Instead, move cautiously and let your light shine on anything that moves in the dark.

Chapter 4: Audience Display
Viewers are drawn to televisions. As long as a television is active in their area, they will stand still and watch it. They will only attack you if you get too close. Once you get the Remote item, try looking for other TVs you can turn on before you turn one off. If you turn off the TV, they will immediately come and pick you up. There is also no hiding place for them. They always know where you are immediately and their default movement speed is faster than your sprint.
Like the patients, there is no way to kill them. Sometimes you'll find a way to turn them off permanently, but don't even try to fight back. They will kill you instantly if you enter their transmission range. To attract them with a single TV, use the remote control to turn it off and on. Once a TV is on, they will lose interest in you.

Chapter 5: The Child
The final boss is a tough fight. In the final battle, the Kid protects his three-sentence music box. Your objective is to attract it and hit the box with your gun. Easier said than done.
The basic strategy is simple. press [Triangle / Y] to shout and lure the Kid to your location. Stay near one of the purple portals with your weapon, then run after you lure it. It will teleport you to the opposite side.
While she's distracted - wait for the child to put her arm in the portal to be sure she doesn't change direction - go for the music box. One hit will send you into the second / third phase.
The second and third phases require you to use four doors instead of two. Pull her towards the front left door, then go through. You will exit through the front right door. Immediately run to the right back door and pull it down again. When she runs for the right rear gate, walk through it and exit to the left rear gate. You will now have a clear photo of the music box.
The final phase adds an extra touch. You have to acquire your hammer on the ledge and reach the music box. Start by attracting it to the left rear portal, then go through and take the hammer on the right rear portal. Withdraw with! You won't have time to hit or run far. Once you have the hammer, you can wait for her to reset in her music box and repeat the strategy from phase two.
- Third phase strategy:
- Pull the child into the front left corner. Enter and you will exit through the front on the right.
- Go to the right back door and lure it again. Go through and you will go to the rear left.
- You are now on the lifting platform. Dash to the music box while it is distracted.
One last shot will send you into the final phase for real. The Kid desperately keeps the music box. Approach and use your cry to scare him. It will amaze her just long enough to attack the music box. Repeat until this battle is over. It's a tough fight, but you can win as long as you know the tricks.
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