As seasoned gamers, and after putting a dozen hours of playtime under our collective belts, we've put together a quick list of 11 tips that beginner gamers really need to know. From finding secret manuals to stealthy markings to tips for beating dogs, we've got all the info you need for a game that really doesn't explain much.
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1: loot everything and still be crafts
To keep a healthy supply of health kits, Molotov cocktails, and other handy items in your inventory, you'll need to loot whatever you can. If there's a building that looks optional, a path you can explore, or just a room with an open door, you definitely need to check out those dark areas.
Break windows to find loot hidden in gas stations or markets, and open each drawer. Heck, this helps to read every note so that you can get some safe combinations.
On top of all that loot, you can also find unique upgrades like training manuals, weapons, and holsters. If you miss them, they tend to appear in multiple places. So do your best to loot as many optional areas as you can and don't rush into empty areas too quickly. If you're not on the hunt, now is the time to search for that sweet loot.

2: Know your infected | Clickers and runners
There are two types of infections that you deal with for most of the game. These poor souls have unique attributes that TLOU2 doesn't quite explain if you're a new player - runners can see it and you can fight them like no other. any other enemy. Clickers are blind, and they'll kill you instantly if they're in melee range. Basically, clickers are high priority!
When stealthy, keep in mind that clickers are blind but have better hearing. If you shoot a weapon or move too fast, they will attack. But, you can kill them stealthily even if you are standing right in front of them. Runners are often in a "disabled" state, where they stand still and look at the ground. You can also sneak these guys from any direction. Just be sure to use your listening [[R1] to see where they are.

3: The best gun upgrades to get started
As you collect weapon parts, you will be able to upgrade your weapons in a number of ways. In TLOU2, your weapons are generally better than the previous game, so I don't highly recommend weapon capacity. You'll want to save for damage upgrades first - these often come with precision or stability upgrades as well.
Damage is the best upgrade, and you can get it for your bolt action rifle and revolver. For your pistol and shotgun, you'll want to focus on rate of fire and stability. I especially recommend increasing the rate of fire for your standard pistol. Normally, you shoot so slowly that you cannot effectively knock down an enemy at close range. The faster you can shoot, the better. The Bolt-Action can also get a precision and stability upgrade, both of which are great choices for scoring those long-range headshots.

4: Skills, training manuals and what to get first
Ellie only starts with the Survival Skill Tree, but if you research Chapter 9 thoroughly, you can get the Crafting Skill Tree. Later you will come across a bookstore; in the cafe inside you can get the built-in Stealth training manual. They're all great, and pill pillaging is important if you want to pick up the best skills early on.
For survival, rush to get increased health for a + 25% boost. On the crafting tree, you'll want to get the valuable Smoke Bombs that make it easier to escape as you fight swarms of mad gunmen. Stealth has a silencer crafting skill, unlocking silencers for your pistol. Get this and you are golden.

5: Dealing with WLFs
Eventually, Ellie and her friend will fight more than just infected. The WLFs are your first human enemies, and they are difficult to deal with. Never fight a pitched battle against enemies armed with guns; take your photo, then get out of there. If you are surrounded, run there! Better yet, drop a smoke bomb to cover your escape. The new prone exploration ability is absolutely essential for sneaking away from human opponents.
Whenever you fight, try to keep a low profile instead of going for it. The more enemies you can take out with stealth, the better. Protect yourself from ammunition and resources! Remember, you can hold back enemies after catching them and move them to a safer location.