Monster Hunter Rise is unlikely to launch on the PS4 and will remain a Switch console exclusive.
Monster Hunter Rise was announced last year as a Nintendo Switch exclusive, and it made sense. PS4 and Xbox owners had been playing Monster Hunter World for a few years until this point Nintendo fans were watching longingly from the sidelines. Monster Hunter Rise seemed to be Capcom's answer to this - a Monster Hunter game with all of the improvements World made, but capable of running on Nintendo hardware.
We know that Monster Hunter Rise will most likely arrive on PC next year, but it looks like it will be the only platform Monster Hunter Rise migrates outside of the Nintendo Switch. We haven't seen any leaks detailing a possible PS4 port for the game, and I'd bet Capcom is more interested in developing a Monster Hunter World 2 for the next-gen PlayStation than porting Rise to the PS4.
Think about it: Rise was designed from the ground up for the Nintendo Switch, which means the entire game design was developed with the Switch's limited hardware in mind. Why bring a “lesser” version of Monster Hunter to the most powerful consoles immediately after World became Capcom's best-selling game? Why not develop a full World sequel instead for these platforms alongside a new Monster Hunter “spin-off” that can actually run on the Nintendo Switch? This means Capcom has essentially split the franchise in half, but it makes sense for them to do so.
Monster Hunter has a long and rich history on the portable platforms of Nintendo and Sony, and Sony is unlikely to re-enter the portable arena. Rather than trying to port World to the Switch with mixed results, it's easier for Capcom to develop a Switch spin-off featuring all of the lessons learned from World. They'll keep the World subtitle for all future iterations of the game not on the Switch, which will minimize marketing confusion. Monster Hunter Rise probably won't be coming to PS4, but I bet Monster Hunter World 2 is behind the scenes for your PlayStation loyalists.