Anyone who is passionate about video games knows that, behind this world, there are many realities, one of these is theeSports. Let's talk about the part competitive, the one that compares the skills of the best players in the world to decree the champion. Since eSport began to make itself felt in our country, questions about it have grown and many have wondered if it was really possible to become a pro player, how to do it and above all if it was really worth it.
Become a successful gamer of course it's not easy. Sure, it takes talent, but that's not enough; it is also necessary to be known, to create a specific network. So what if our dream is to become an esports champion? Let's start with the basics.
Where do you start to be a pro player?
When we decide to dive into the competitive world it is necessary to have in mind what are the ones industry foundation: mainly we have two large supporting columns, the ability and networking.
It will seem trivial, but the fundamental thing is obviously to find out your skill and choose the title to try your hand at; we can indeed be good at different games, but it is necessary to learn what we are really good at, where the our potential is high and where we can best express our ability.
The world of eSports is very vast, there are many well-established titles and others that could soon be part of it, therefore it is good to understand what you want to bet on.
Choose between a title already consolidated in the competitive world it can facilitate what is the support of the infrastructure: let's take for example a Rainbow Six Siege, a CS: GO (Counter Strike Global Offensive), a League of Legends. All these titles they already have extensive supporting structures; there are many tournaments and, moreover, there are many sponsors ready to support the teams. Of course, on the other hand we have that, being quite well-known titles, the already consolidated catchment area is large and therefore getting in is not so simple.
The other option could therefore be to try your hand at some more recent title, which has yet to take hold in the competitive world. Here, of course, it might be easier to be recognized, but the downside lies in the novelty factor: if then the title should not break through at an eSport level, what do you do?
In any case, however, it is always good to focus on what you do best, put the pieces together and try to compose the puzzle to achieve success and become a true pro player.
Being strong is not enough
As we said at the beginning being very good is not enough to guarantee us a place in the competitive world and that is why, to become a pro player, it is necessary to follow some simple indications to get us noticed and to maintain his own notoriety in this world.
Be an active member of the community
"I am really strong, but how do I get noticed?"
This is perhaps one of the most frequent questions that any good player has asked himself. Because it is true we can be strong, the strongest, but how will people know about us? The ways are clearly different, but first of all it is very important live the community and make friends.
Living the community is synonymous with being an integral part of the game, because it is not just about spending hours and hours on the title, but it is also important to create a whole environment around us. Comparison is essential with other players, but even more important is to do new and relevant knowledge.
Another part to consider is the behavior, in play, within the community and on social networks. It is always a duty to maintain mature attitudes e respectful, as we remember that, at some level, it's not just a game anymore!
To become a pro player you have to get noticed
Let's move on to the facts. We have specified that it is very important to be noticed, to make friends, but how can we do it in practice?
By participating in discussions on forums, social networks and official channels, we will always have the opportunity to interact with someone industry expert, so being active in this regard is important. Taking part in discussions may point out the our knowledge of the title, our experience and our devotion to it.
Part of the job could also be to interact with pro players who are also streamers at the same time: participate in their lives: play with them showing your level in front of thousands of other users will certainly help our notoriety.
Made this work of networking at the peripheral level it is then time to delve even further into the title by spending many hours with it and, for example, take part in ranked matches.
Competitive games generally have several layers: they consist of an amateur part and a ranked one. If the first is to be taken lightly to play a few games in company, the second usually has some stricter rules that require us to stay in the game for the entire duration of the game, under penalty for example of a temporary ban or downgrading.
During each game it is also good to leak (unless it is a single game) their attitude to work in a team and collaboration in order to achieve the common goal.
Don't be in a hurry, being a pro player takes time
It is also very important to take care of all the necessary attention do not skip all the stages necessary. You need to start from the basics, create a reputation by participating in the lowest level competitions in order to have the opportunity to climb the rankings slowly.
As already mentioned, in many games, such as Rainbow Six Siege, there are, in addition to the normal ranked games, a whole series of small local tournaments that will give us the opportunity to demonstrate our skills. Clearly the strength must be, as well as the steadiness patience.
From here, however, another important need arises, namely that of finding a team with which to undertake this path.
How do I find a team?
This point is actually always linked to the life of the community. By getting to know users and taking part in life in addition to the game, we will also find associations looking for new players. It is important to try to enter different communities and associations to play as much as possible together with other users and teams already known in the competitive world.
By playing and showing their skill in the game it is possible that the teams notice our skills and do not hesitate to contact us, but waiting is not the only solution. By experiencing the forums and groups, we will also have the opportunity to obtain the right acquaintances to be able to contact directly the teams of our interest and try to ask to be part of it.
Many communities are open to all players and it is among their members who often open the selections for the new ones competitive teams.
It is very important to be part of a team because it is essential learn to play in a group. In fact, even players with more skills alone often struggle to play together with other players, this because team play is anything but simple.

To be a pro player you need to train
It is obvious that, in order to maintain one's skills, but above all to improve them even more, one must train.
Whatever title you choose, it takes practice. Spending hours and hours on the game is a must, whether it's to adjust the aim, speed up the combos, or maximize the actions. It is not only important to maximize your reactions, but you have to know everything in detail.
It also becomes essential to start studying maps, the strategy, almost as if it were a game of chess, knowing all the possibilities of action and the possible reactions of the opponent will give us an advantage during the game.
Often in fact theexperience in the knowledge of everything that makes up the title rewards more than innate skill personal.
Being a pro player is not just about playing, this is important to emphasize. You have to take a professional attitude through and through.
You have to follow rules, maintain a respectful and proactive attitude, train consistently, respect schedules, follow the coach's advice, eat effectively, do physical training, maintain a healthy lifestyle. Every little detail is essential. Becoming a champion in eSports is not easy, it is a job, and as such it must be considered by those who try to approach it.
Let's not forget the rest
When you decide to dive into the world of eSport it is good to take into consideration some very practical aspects. Since being a pro player means dedicating the most of the day on the game, the time for the rest becomes practically zero. Work full time e play really very difficult, almost impossible, for this reason if you want to try to become a champion you must also be sure you can afford it.
It is true that companies, at high levels, pay wages to their players, but what is the chance to get to that level? Given the amount of players involved and the number of teams that can access the world finals, the success rate It's really low and this must always be taken into consideration.
Breakthrough in this sector is not easy and have a backup plan it's always good.
A space for equipment
We also leave a small space at game peripherals which certainly give theirs contribution within the overall framework of eSports.
For example having a perfect sound it can prepare us for the arrival of enemies behind us, or having a precise and ergonomic mouse can help us when it is the time to face an excited situation, as well as choosing the switch type correct can help us in the heat of the action.
Sure, we have all the skills, but gaming peripherals are the instrument which helps us to give space to our skill, highlighting it. We have to make these products that they become our own more than mere accessories.
Is it still worth becoming a pro player?
Net of what has been highlighted, it's still worth it trying to become a successful player? The question does not have an easy answer. There is no right or wrong, one cannot simply say yes or no. Each case has to be evaluated in a different way.
If it is one passion, if we are convinced of have talent, if we are aware that we can respect all the rules, then the answer is Yes of course. Or at least we have to try.
"Choose a job you love, and you won't have to work a day in your life." So said Confucius and perhaps he was a little right. There passion moves everything and doing a job out of passion will surely give us a lot of satisfaction, it will not be easy, it is not really true that we will not work, but the satisfactions it will give us will be very many.
In the end, reaching the highest levels will give us a real job, a salary, the chance to travel the world, to face tournaments full of people who will cheer us on.
If it's a dream, it's good try to believe it, without forgetting that I am few people who really manage to get a real outcome and having a backup plan is always a must!