The latest update for Wolfenstein Youngblood has officially gone live, adding several new features to the game. This includes new treasure hunting missions, as well as additional abilities, new skins and more.
But there is also an interesting new item to obtain: the Daich Yichud chest. According to the developers of MachineGames, it contains an "element related to the divine key" that could be a game-changer against the Nazi regime. The real question here, however, is how to get it.
Fortunately, we have the advice you need to acquire the safe. Be prepared for a fight, however. This is a reward that does not come easily.
Complete Daich Yichud Artifacts
First of all, you must be at the point in the game where the end of the game is in progress. This is where you will have access to a side mission called "Artifacts of Daich Yichud". Embark on this mission and complete it successfully. You can then open another side quest, called "Treasure Hunt".
This next mission has exactly the same characteristics and sets you off on a quest to find Da'at Yichud's chest. But there are a few areas that you will need to go through first.
New areas and their enemies
The first of these areas is a Parisian reservoir and the second, a secret Nazi bunker, loaded with maximum enemies. In addition to the routine soldiers that you will encounter, these areas have three new types of enemies that you will have to face: the Wurmlochsoldat, the Electrodrohne, and the Turmhund.
The Wurmlochsoldat is the trickiest of these new enemies, as they use teleportation to attempt to gain an observation point on your team. Make sure to take them out quickly before they jump on you and attack.
The Electrodrohne (Tesla Drone) is also a bit annoying, it rains gunshots in different areas. Use your weapons and destroy them on sight.
Finally, the Turmhund is not only very dangerous but it can also send lasers at you. Watch your footsteps and rain heavy gunfire.
Once you have passed through these areas, you will have access to the Da'at Yichud Chest, as well as the goodies it contains. But, more importantly, you will also see a large number of treasure maps available in the Missions menu. This will allow you to collect even more artifacts during the game. Researching them will earn you extra XP, Silver Coins, and a new Skill Point for your Soldier. So, they are definitely worth it. You can see some of the artifacts found with the Trophy Gamers video below.
Wolfenstein Youngblood is out now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.