Restarting Codemasters to the THE GRID series is finally here after spending a lot of time in development. And it turned out to be worth the wait, filled with several circuit events and cars to ride. Plus, the visuals and gameplay make you want to feel the rush of every event you attend. It's that good.
Best of all, the game is aimed at players of all skill levels. If you are a newcomer looking to get used to THE GRIDWith the offers, you can easily set it up and go through all the circuits quietly. But if that's the simulation challenge you're looking for, Codemasters meets that goal as well.
Along with this, there are several controller settings that you can adjust throughout the game to fine tune the way you play. What's the best approach to achieve this, however? Let's take a look at some finer tweaks and see what will work for all of you, master racers!
GRID Racing Game Best Controller Settings
Know your events and settings
First off, you'll want to make sure you adjust the settings you have in the game depending on the event you enter. There are six general types in the LA GRILLE World Series - Touring, Stock, Tuner, GT, Fernando Alonso, and Invitational. Most of them meet general racing rules, although Stock and Tuner may need slight adjustments, depending on which car you choose.
The interesting thing is that you can enter any of them however you like. Your best bet, however, is to start with Touring or Stock. This will help you get used to the style of play and the way your car will behave. But, really, it's your choice. Tuner or GT might just be your speed; and we know a few fanatics who could interfere with Fernando Alonso with both hands on the wheel.
Next, you'll want to take a look at the events menu to adjust the difficulty of each race. This is done in five main parts.
The first is AI Drivers. If you want competition, make sure it's switched to Yes.
Then there is AI skill level. Newcomers will want to take it slow and opt for a more natural setting. Experts, however, should revive it.
Damage level lets you decide how much hits your car can take in crashes. You can either go light and make it cosmetic; or turn it on full and watch your ride to pieces - and feel yourself too.
Terminal damage will stop your car if you take too many hits on the road. If you want total realism, turn it on. Otherwise, leave it.
Finally, Flashbacks allow you to erase mistakes you make at any time during the race. Those who are fierce runners may not need it. Newbies, however, will want to go “Infinite” on this one.
You can also adjust them in the in-game menu, as well as the ability to have a racing line, overload your clutch, and more.
Now let's get into the deeper settings.
Controller settings and feedback adjustment
The “Edit Device” menu offers three options. This is where you'll want to pay special attention when improving the way your game is played.
The first is the Input connections. These allow you to configure the controls as you see fit, such as throttle, headlights, etc. The default selections work fine, but some of you prefer the "A" or "X" button to accelerate above the trigger.
Then there is Advanced entry. Do not bother with these if you go into shopping. General settings are working fine. However, if you want to change the steering sensitivity or get into a position to hold onto a vehicle, you can change both Management sensitivity et Direction linearity. But only adjust them if you think you're ready. Steering sensitivity at 100 and steering linearity at 0 seem to work best when it comes to more precise turns and derivations.
Last but not least, there is Vibration feedback. These will help you with the turns depending on your DIY. It is better to leave the general vibration on so that you can feel the performance of your car.
Suspension, tire slip, engine and collision should all be at a very good level. However, some experts believe that just having Slipped tire on and leaving the rest off will give you a good idea of the route. It's up to you to decide how you want your driving to feel, but this might be a good place to start.
If you are a beginner, stick to the default settings. I didn't notice too many crossovers in the comments of all systems, and your general controls still give you a good idea of the road. You can always adjust later if you don't feel the same.
It is more or less that. But, as a final tip, we suggest this. As you get used to the game and look for a bigger challenge, you can adjust things. The input links are fine as they are, but tweaking the advanced input and the vibrations and feedback each time should allow you to see how subtly the changes occur in the race. Slowly but surely you will get used to the systems and eventually settle into a comfort zone depending on your driving style. Some people will feel good with the defaults, and that's great. But experimentation can go a long way here. Just ask THE GRID experts who started out with their humble beginnings.
Good luck. Now rule the road!
THE GRID is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.