While Red Dead Online's Frontier Pursuits have been excellent so far, with a number of opportunities available, its latest offers a pretty interesting challenge - and no one should miss it.
Indeed, with his latest, you can become a Moonshiner. This allows you to make your way into the moonlight industry, hoping to make a profit from your special blend.
It is not, however, easy. But with these tips, you will be able to make the best moonlight.
Start being a Moonshiner
First of all, you will have to level up, because you can't jump into the moonlight right away. You will need to have a ranking of level 5 or higher with trading, or have at least one successful sale as a trader under your belt.
Fortunately, neither will take that long if you have experience with Red Dead Online. Once done, you will need to start purchasing supplies. This includes setting up a location where you will brew your moonlight. To do this, you will need 25 gold bars. If you don't have it, build it with one of your other in-game roles.
After you've built your cabin, you'll want to find Maggie. She is an experienced woman who knows her job well. By completing missions for her, you'll gain access to cheaper recipes and products, and build your business.
Get better supplies
At first, your moonlight will make around $ 100 per shipment, depending on what flavor you go with. But with any type of business, there is always room for improvement. It's just about buying the right supplies for the job.
Go to the Moonshiner Store and look for two particular types of upgrades. The first is the condensate upgrade. It's quite expensive, for around $ 825 and two tokens. But it will allow you to create an average moonlight, which is one level higher than the weak moonlight you start with. The better quality, the better money you will earn. Keep in mind that you will need to reach Moonshiner Rank 5 before this option opens.
The most crucial upgrade, however, is the polished copper upgrade. It's a bit more expensive at $ 875 and three tokens. But it's worth it, because you can upgrade to Strong Moonshine, the best available. With this, you will be cleaning up even more money and mixing in additional flavors. However, it comes with a prerequisite - you will need to be at Rank 10 in Moonshiner.
Follow these steps and you will have the best moonlight around. But keep a gun handy, because you never know who might come up to try to shut down your business.