Since Animal Crossing: New Horizons released earlier this year in March, it is breaking records and making waves, but one glaring issue with the game was that your save file was linked to your console and there was no way to move it to another device. As of July 30, this is no longer a problem with the addition of the all new Island Backup feature.
This feature, when enabled, periodically saves your data over the internet, so that you can download it to a new or refurbished device if your current device is lost or damaged, or if you upgrade to a new device.
How to activate Island Backup
Unlike most other game features, Island Backup cannot be activated imid-game and can only be done from the settings menu on the title screen.

If you are using the latest update, the bottom corner of the title screen should read Backups - undefined. In order to activate the backup, you will need to hurry - and enter it Parameters menu.

There you will see a few options, but the one you want is Island backup. It is important. You might think it's under the Save data option, but it's not. It's its own stand-alone option.

If you want to learn more about the backup system directly from the