Silhouette is the final boss fight in Destroy All Humans. Before you reach it, you already have to endure a grueling saucer fight against Roboprez, but this fight takes place completely on foot. It can be difficult and if you die during any of the three phases you have to start over. Fortunately, there is a checkpoint at the start of the fight, so you won't have to fight Roboprez again. Here's how to kill Silhouette and complete Destroy All Humans.
Before you begin, it is recommended that you upgrade your health, lightning rifle, and incinerator gun as much as possible before you get to this fight. We also recommend that you upgrade the dashboard at least once or twice so that you can find coverage faster. It will make things much easier and more manageable in combat.
One important thing to note when fighting Silhouette is that she has an invisible force field that you can see when you shoot her. This will protect it until you break it. Once broken, it will be stunned for a short time and take damage much faster. This is where you want to give it all you've got (we've found the fully upgraded incinerator to be the most efficient).
When the fight begins, Silhouette will shoot at you from the central area. Avoid his shots and shoot him with your electric pistol. Damage his shield as much as possible. After a while, she will get up in the air. If it climbs high enough, it will start charging a head butt that will deal massive damage to you and force you forward, potentially putting you in the open. The only way to avoid this attack is to break her shield before she triggers it. This will also allow you to obtain the optional objective for that part of the final level.
On the pitch, his attacks start out as fairly straightforward. You can easily jetpack yourself over most of her attacks and continuously fire your Electric Pistol or Incinerator at her whenever available. A useful strategy, if you are using a controller, is to use the electric gun. When you focus on Silhouette, you can maintain that focus and shoot him with the electric wave through solid surfaces. This can be a vital way to regenerate your shield while dealing damage to it. Whenever Silhouette is stunned, be sure to switch to another weapon for more damage.
When you start to hear a beep in the air and the sky starts to turn red, you will want to rush towards one of the purple domes that will appear on the ground. Roboprez is about to shoot the whole battlefield and will wipe out your shield if caught. If you can, enter the same dome as Silhouette. She won't hurt you here, and if you start shooting her, she'll run to another dome. If you time your fire correctly, you can make Roboprez's fire do a lot of damage to his shield.
Lower her health to the end and she will begin to roll over in the arena. Keep your ammo here, because you can't hurt it. Follow her until she walks up to a pylon and starts filling up with health again. For us, she always went to the pylon on the right side of the arena facing the Pentagon, but there is one on the left side where she could potentially go too. There will be a turret here that you want to destroy, then remove the ion exploding gun to destroy the pylon before its health improves. You are now in the second phase of the fight.
Silhouette will have a new rapid-fire attack covering a large area here, and she'll shoot a purple beam that you can easily hover over. This is easily avoided by jetpacking and hovering in the air. Continue to use your Electric Pistol to remove her shield and proceed to the Incinerator when she is stunned. During this phase, she will also call in two humans who will start shooting at you. Send them quickly and focus on her. Again, shoot her out of the air as fast as you can and apply the dome shield strategy as above, and she'll eventually start jumping again when you lower her health.
This time, Silhouette will stop at the pylon on the left to rest