The symbol of Apple is one of the most famous logos in the world, and appears on any product of the company but also on other related aspects, such as: advertising, its streaming service Apple TV +, Apple stickers included in every iPhone box and much more. The company also includes the symbol in the keyboard character set, so if you have a Mac, you can type the logo using a simple shortcut.
To type the symbol in a tweet, word processor, or any other app or website that accepts text input, use the key combination Option + Shift + K o Shift+Option+8 (The shortcut may change depending on the models and version of the operating system used).
If you're using an iPhone or iPad, you can use a text replacement shortcut to type the symbol. In fact, you can use the same method on a Mac. First, though, you need to set up text replacement.
Therefore, below are all the methods available to insert the Apple logo on: Mac, iPhone, iPad and even up Windows.
How to type the Apple logo on Mac
On Mac, click the logo in the upper left corner of the menu bar at the top of the screen and select System Preference.
Entered the system preferences of menu Apple, click the preferences panel Keyboard.
Now, click on the tab Text.
Click the button + to add the replacement of the text.
In the "Replace" column, enter the text of your choice that you want to replace with the symbol each time you type it.
Copy and paste the Apple logo font () into the “With“ column.
How to type the Apple logo on iPhone and iPad
Tap the Settings app on your iPhone OiPad.
From then on, go on General -> Keyboard.
Toccata Text replacement.
Tap the plus button capacitor positive (+) lead in the top corner a right screen.
On the next screen, copy and paste the Apple logo font () into the "Phrase" field.
In the "Shortcut" field, enter a text of your choice that you want to replace with the symbol each time you type it.
Toccata Save finally.
If you are using the same account iCloud on all your devices Apple, any text replacements you add on your own Mac it will automatically sync with yours iPhone and / or iPad and viceversa.
How to type the Apple logo on Windows OS
The speech is slightly different on Windows, but the procedure remains a lot simple and intuitive. In fact, to insert the logo within a text, just use a specific character set, which is called "Baskerville Old Face". If this particular set does not appear to be installed on your computer, you can download it from the internet and perform the installation procedure, while if you find it in the list of installed fonts you can go to “System Utilities” and then select “Fonts”.
In case this procedure is too complicated for you, you can always opt for the old evergreen method: copy and incolla the logo from the internet!