Surgeon Simulator 2 is all about using a poorly controlled arm to almost kill someone while trying to perform delicate surgery. The first real procedure you will need to do in the beta is to give Bob a heart transplant. Bob is a medical dummy, so you don't have to feel too bad about slaughtering him, but we've got some helpful tips to make this operation as smooth as possible.
The first thing you have to do is enter the surgery, so go through the door to the right and you will find an ID card on a box. Take it back to the door and leave it on the shelf in front of the scanner.
Enter and prepare the room for the surgery. Take yellow and red syringes from the left side of the room. You can instruct the machines to dispense them by pulling the red handles. Take two or three of each and leave them on the counter next to Bob. Now go to the second room on the right and grab a hammer to slit his chest. The last thing to do is go upstairs through the door near the room that stores the heart. You will need ID and a Bobs heart to open the door.
Go upstairs and take the ID in the far right corner of the room, go downstairs and place it on the shelf in front of the scanner. You are now ready to begin the surgery.
To complete the transplant, follow these steps:
- Use the hammer to break both sides of Bob's rib cage
- Remove the ribs
- Remove the lungs
- Use a yellow syringe to keep Bob from bleeding and a red syringe to replace lost blood. Both of these can be checked on the scanner in front of Bob's head.
- Pull out Bob's heart and place it on the shelf to the left of the door with the scanner
- Go inside and pull the red handle to dispense a new heart
- Bring the heart to Bob and put it in his chest
Now the surgery is over. If you accidentally tear off any of Bob's limbs, you will need to reattach them for the surgery to be successful.