In this guide, we will explain how to get the Best Served Cold Medal in Destiny 2. The Cold Best Served Medal is a requirement for the Last Word Exotic quest, so if you want to get your hands on one of the Destiny 2 the Most of the iconic hand cannons, you will have to embrace the crucible.
What is The Last Word Quest?
A fan-favorite pistol that has returned from the original fate, The Last Word brings increased accuracy and damage from hip shots and the shot fire advantage, allowing you to quickly spam shots. The quest to get this gun can be found in the Tower by visiting the Drifter, who will give you a strange artifact that must be "cleaned up" by killing a whole bunch of Hive.
This isn't the only step though, as the multi-part quest to unlock this exotic also requires players to earn a few medals in the Crucible.
What is the best served cold medal?
The name of this medal may sound familiar as Bungie has included it in the Halo series as well. Just like in this series, the main thing is that you have to get revenge on the last person who killed you. If you are killed by a player in PvP and manage to remove them on your next spawn, you will get the Cold Best Served Medal.
To do this, just remember the name of the last player who shot you. They are your next target for the Best Served Cold Medal. Once you reappear, hunt down that player and get your revenge. Honestly, chances are you'll come across this naturally throughout the game, so don't focus too much on a specific player if they're too hard to kill.
After getting this and the Blood for Blood medal, you'll be a little closer to unlocking the last word.
That's all you need to know to get the Destiny 2 Best Served Cold Medal.