Sea Fishing in Final Fantasy XIV offers a few achievements that require effort, luck, and collaboration to achieve. But it's worth it; Only the most determined anglers can carry your awarded Jellyfish Fanatic title if your party can catch 150 jellyfish in one fishing trip.
This guide explains the optimal strategy for earning the Jelled Together fishing bonus, which allows you to get what the jellyfish did to you? success.
Before fishing
Make sure you've unlocked Ocean Fishing, of course. You'll want to be level 80 and well equipped before you jump into this achievement. With 800 GP plus Hi-Cordials, you can use identical cast double hook jellyfish to maximize your carry. You will need a good supply of Ragworms to catch your share of jellyfish, although it is good to have plump worms and Krill on hand; you might need it if you fail.
You will also need a group of 7 other fishermen who are working for the same purpose. There are several FFXIV and Linkshells Cross-world Fishing Discords that can help you find other people to fill your party. Shout Chat in Limsa during fishing hours is the best way to get an invite to these.
Fishing routes
Talk to Dryskthota at the sea fishing docks in Limsa Lominsa to find the sea fishing navigation schedule. For jellyfish carrying the best route ends in the Rhotano Sea at night, but you can catch jellyfish on along any fishing route that stops in the Southern Strait of Merlthor.

How to catch jellyfish
When in the Southern Strait of Merlthor, use ragworms as bait. The Noscean Jellys has a small tug (indicated by a single exclamation mark) and appears within 5 seconds of launching. You can safely overtake (!) Biting fish by 5 seconds. Do not reel fish with a medium (!!) or large (!!!) tug. Once you catch a jellyfish, use the identical double crochet cast of 4 other jellyfish.
If your party ends up running out of 150 after your 7 minutes in Merlthor and your boat heads for Rhotano Bay at night, you can try to catch a few floating saucers. Use plump worms to catch a spectral bass, and if you're lucky you'll initiate a spectral phase. Once you're in a Spectral Window, switch to Krill and turn into Small Tugs (!) For a chance at Floating Saucers. It's hard to pull off, but it's worth a try if your group is close enough.
Special thanks to S'yahn Tia de Cactuar for collecting a lot of data for the benefit of all fishermen.