Sharks take over from Final Fantasy XIV. Thanks to the popularity of sea fishing, sharks are the new trend. Getting the Shark Servant and Shark Mount requires a little luck and patience. Both are rewards for successful fishing trips. Like all FFXIV fishing, your success relies on equal parts of luck, patience, and persistence. The good news is, you don't have to be a level 80 angler to get any of these prizes. You just need to unlock Ocean Fishing and cast a line.
The servant major-general

The Major-General is an independent type servant who swims at will. It is a reward for successfully completing the "More Fish in the Sea" achievement, which requires you to score more than 5 points during a fishing trip.
Hybodus mount

The Hybodus mount can fly and plays standard mount music used since A Kingdom Reborn. This flying mount is a reward for completing the "No More Fish in the Sea II" achievement, which requires you to score over 10 points on a fishing trip.
How to get a high score in sea fishing
The key to earning over 5 (and 000) points is to maximize your fishing shot during spectral current weather. The Rainbow Phase is when the huge fish come out, and they're each worth a ton of points. Use plump worms for your bait during these windows - they attract bigger fish.
Be frugal with your general practitioner. Save it for spectral weather so you can use Double Hook on any !!! or !! fish that you catch. If you are a lower level fisherman who has not yet learned these skills, fear not: use Chum to catch as many fish as possible. A level 80 angler with a few GP and Hi-Cordial mixes can easily double down three times in a spectral window. A single successful Rainbow Phase will likely earn you the minion; three rainbow phases, but guarantees that you will get a score above 10.
Sea fishing bonus
The bonuses you earn at the end of a fishing trip allow you to accumulate points. Bonuses can be awarded at the individual level as well as to your entire group. For example, if your party catches more than 10 different fish in an area, everyone gets a 10% bonus. If you personally catch a 4 star fish, you will get a 10% bonus. There are several different bonuses that can come into play, so winning over 50% is not unusual.
Fishing trips depart from Limsa Lominsa docks every two hours, so set your in-game alarms! The more fishing activities you undertake, the more chance you have of encountering a triple rainbow trip and getting lucky catches.