One of the first animals you might get into in Seasons of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is the humble chicken. These little guys will be living in your chicken coop, and as long as you feed them or let them roam the yard each day, they will lay eggs for you. The best news is, it's easy to get more chickens, as long as you have one.
You can get Chickens from Po Poultry, which you will be able to see on your in-game map. Po Poultry is open daily from 11:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. except Sundays and sells the following chickens:
- Chicken - 1500 gold
- Brown Chicken - 1500 Gold
You can also buy chicken feed for 10 gold.
How to get more chickens
You should only buy one chicken and then raise the rest from eggs. The reason is that a purchased animal will never love you as much as an animal born on your farm, and how the animal feels about you dictates the quality of the food it produces. Happier chickens who love you more will make bigger and better eggs.
You can place an egg in your chicken coop incubator and a few days later a chicken will be born. After a few weeks, it will grow into an adult chicken and begin to lay its own eggs.
How to take care of chickens every day
Chickens must be fed daily to lay eggs. You can feed them chicken feed from Po's Poultry Shop, or make your own chicken feed. Just equip the chicken, then press A when standing near the chicken to hand feed it. You can also put the chicken feed in their stalls, or just leave it outside by ringing the bell outside the chicken coop. Chickens that have been outside for a day do not need to be fed, as they will feed themselves. The best way to feed them is by hand as it will make them look more like you if you do this.
How to prepare chicken feed
Instead of spending a lot of money on chicken feed, you can make it yourself. Just outside your chicken coop is a small watermill with a sign next to it. You can interact with the water mill to put the corn in it, and it will grind a lot of chicken feed, 30 bags of each piece of corn. You can then store it in the cooperative's red bin.
I want to get rid of the first chicken I had
You can sell animals at Po Poultry if you want to replace the purchased animals with those born on the farm.
Can I expand my cooperative?
If you are going to visit Gotts in his workshop in the southern part of the map, you can hire him to increase the size of your co-op. It will cost wood, stone and a lot of gold to make.