Radianite Points in Valorant are a form of in-game currency. Some players may confuse the term “Radiant” with Radianite points. The term Radiant is associated with the various agents in the game, while Radianite Points is a currency that you must use in the game for cosmetics.
You can acquire Radianite points in several ways. The most efficient way is to make contracts for your agents through the Competitive Play Battle Pass. These points go to your account and you can use them for cosmetic items. It takes a bit of time to assemble the battle pass, but it should give you a bit of it as you go through it. If you want more, you can always purchase additional Radianite Points in-game in-store using real money.
Cosmetics include weapon skins, and you can use Radianite Points to upgrade them. Upgrades include additional animations, visual effects, and additional items that differ from the default settings you see with other Radiant Agents in the game. None of the in-game purchases change the gameplay. They are purely cosmetic.
You receive the first level of the unlocked skin once you have it in your account. After that, you max it up to level four. Each level of the weapon becomes better progressive with better quality animations and better effects.
For those who originally purchased Radianite Points during Valorant's beta, everything is being refreshed. This means that all of the cosmetics and things that everyone else bought or upgraded will be zeroed. However, if you purchased the in-game currency, you will receive them again when the game releases on June 2, plus an additional 20%.
A new battle pass will be available once for players Valorant will be available for everyone after June 2nd. You will have more ways to receive Radianite Points, and you can choose to purchase real money in in-game currency when you discover a particular cosmetic that connects with you.