With Sekiro: Shadow's Die Twice surpassing more than five million copies sold, From Software has decided to offer all gamers a big update, which will arrive for free in October. In typical From Software fashion, the Gifted Update is full of the excruciating pain expected for the wolf. However, it also offers refreshing new clothing styles and, shockingly, a new multiplayer feature. Of course, you may finally feel tired of this painful and addicting adventure, but let's go over all the major additions that will definitely keep you coming back.
New modes
Each sculptor idol in the game now transforms into some sort of menu. While primarily used for healing, players will soon be able to access all previously defeated boss battles - a new mode called Reflection of Strength. This will definitely keep players in good shape, and it's great for those who want to train for future boss battles.
Additionally, you'll want to venture into Reflection of Strength to prepare for the other upcoming feature, Gauntlets of Strength. Here, users will only have one life, as they are fighting a large number of bosses, one at a time. If this sounds familiar to you, this is the in-game version of a Boss Rush mode, which is sure to make some good streaming entertainment.
Finally, for modes, the game will also feature a unique multiplayer feature, which is a bit the same as in previous From games. Players can now save and download 30 seconds of gameplay, called Remnants, with a support message attached, to guide struggling or lost players. Additionally, a Remainder can be rated by those seeking Help, which then rewards its owner with recovered HP, the next time they start the game.
Related: How to play Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice in Co-op and PvP
Beauty products
Three new outfits will also be completed in the October update. The new clothing options will be available to those working at Sculptor's Idol, but only if they achieve the more difficult feats. According to Activision's new press release, players can equip the "Tengu" and "Old Ashina Shinobi" by defeating certain Gauntlets once. However, the third outfit will become available "just by beating the game once" (easily said, Activision).
All of the new features listed will be available on October 29 for all owners of PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in the game.