Secrets are everywhere in Doom: Eternal, and one notable secret that everyone will want to research is about the cute toys you can find in the game. Doom Hunter's base level has two of them hidden in the game, and the find is a bit out of the way as you run through the mission.

You can get the first toy in the great room where you face the Hulk for the first time, with the demon having the ability to create a shield in front of him. After clearing this location, you can find it hidden at a higher level above you. To get it, go to the other side of the room where a platform goes up and down. Wait for it to reach its lowest point, then jump on it. From there you have to wait for the platform that crosses the room, pouring lava in the middle. Wait for it to reach you, then double-jump on it. At the top of the platform, wait for it to reach the point closest to your path and turn around. The toy is hidden in a small cylindrical hole that you can reach. You have to wait for the platform to come close to it to reach it properly.

You can find the second and last toy in the mission right before you fight the final boss. If you do fight the boss you won't have a chance to come back and catch it, so be sure to do so when you see the fast travel icon appear on your screen. When you reach this point, turn around to face the second raised area. Stand in front of the door that leads to the room, just before you fight the boss, and turn around. You should see a green light at the top of the arch. Shoot it and the stairs will retreat, revealing the toy hidden inside.
There are 30 toys to be found in the game, scattered all over Doom: Eternal. Collect them all to complete your collection on your Fortress of Doom ship.