Just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every war. In Fortnite's surprising and secret Ted Offensive challenges, gnomes and bears go for it. Nobody knows what it is because nobody cares about teddy bears and garden gnomes, but you can have an easy experience helping them out.
After completing the initial challenge of finding the secret bear hiding place, stay in the area. It's located in Weeping Woods, and you can see it on the map below, just in case you've already left and can't remember where it is.

Located all around the exterior of the house you will find gnomes with telescopes. Interact with the telescope to, we suppose, help the gnomes achieve their mischievous goal.
The map below will show you the exact location of the telescopes. They are all very close to home so be careful as there are a lot of people in the area trying to complete these challenges.

Telescope 1

Telescope 2

Telescope 3

Telescope 4

Telescope 5

All you need to do is interact with each telescope, and when you get all five the challenge is over and you will get 40 XP. Remember to look for the honey jars for the bears, as it is still worth 000 XP.
The first week of the Skye Adventure Challenge was also recently added to the game, so be sure to check them out as well.