There are several ways to find coins while exploring Paper Mario: The Origami King. The more coins you have, you can access additional features, such as the Toad's cheers, more time for battles, and additional items and accessories to use while you play. There are some pretty easy ways to earn coins, and you don't want to miss out on these opportunities.
Filling the holes
When you start the game and have to help reach Olivia, who is stuck, you have to use confetti to cover a hole to reach her. After closing the gap, you receive several coins for doing so. As you explore the game, it would be in your best interest to explore areas to find additional holes to fill with the confetti you see in the world to receive as many coins as possible. Those who have trouble finding confetti spend a little time wandering around to find things to break in order to collect more. You may need to wait for the flowers to cool off before you receive more.
Battles are a great way to get coins and are probably the best way to collect the most. The only problem with relying on battles to receive the most coins is that Mario could get injured, forcing you to use coins to purchase health items. You want to optimize your time during combat and find out the best solution when fighting the withdrawn soldiers. Before you fight, take a look at the nearest save block to preserve your progress.
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The King of Origami gold items and abilities are powerful, but they will shatter after a series of uses. You want to put them to good use, but keeping them too long is also a reckless decision. There is no reason to keep them in reserve, but you need to make sure you don't waste them. Gold items provide you with coins based on how many enemies you hit with them. Wait for a battle with the most enemies available to use them, and you may end up with a hefty pile of coins in addition to the ones you receive for completing a battle.
Always look for toads
Another excellent res