Purchase of turnips
You can buy turnips from a small boar merchant named Daisy Mae every Sunday morning. She appears at 5 a.m. and leaves at 12 p.m. She carries the legacy of her gram Joan - who has sold turnips to the player since the very first Animal Crossing game. Much like CJ and Flick, Daisy Mae is a new character and Joan's youngest relative.
Some important details about turnips to keep in mind are that after a week they turn rotten, so you need to sell them - or eat them - within the week you bought them. Time travel backwards also rots turnips, however, time travel forward has no effect on them. As long as you don't go for more than a week.
How to sell turnips
Selling turnips is as easy as buying them. Timmy and Tommy will have a new turnip prize every morning and night, so be sure to keep an eye on that. A good price for buying turnips is less than 100 bells and a good price for selling turnips is more than 400 bells. This way you make a profit. It's always a good idea to buy at least one full pocket, with as many spaces as possible (40 slots) to create an even bigger profit. You can either fly to an island of friends and sell them there, or keep an eye on your own island. This can be quite tedious and sometimes you will never get a price over 200 bells. This is where Turnip Exchange comes in.
Turnip Exchange is a website where you can stand in line to sell your turnips for a great price. There is a selection of islands that currently allow visitors to enter. You can also host your island if you find yourself with a really good turnip price. Obviously, this is not always free and you may have to pay a registration fee. Sometimes it can be as simple as 2 NMT, but other times you can find people asking for more rare items, like pearls or rusty coins. It is best to choose an island that has received a good rating from others.
Turnip Exchange is not just a turnip selling website, you can buy turnips as well. The same concept but instead of seeing the Nook twins you visit Daisy Mae. You can go back and forth between many different islands by buying and selling turnips if you wish. The website isn't just for turnips, as the name suggests. It is also for celestial tours, shooting star tours, to visit villagers who make and visit other islands to catalog. You can host your own island for others to come and visit for these reasons, just like visiting them. It really helped bring the Animal Crossing community together otherwise we'd be limited to our own islands and that's not the point of Animal Crossing.
Now you are probably wondering what to do with the 40 turnips you bought because you can't put them in your warehouse. It is not a good idea to leave them in your home, as this will clutter up the space and lower your Happy Home Academy score. On the other hand, if you leave them outside, it can have an effect on the rating of your island. The answer to this is to create a turnip garden! Not only will this increase your island's rating, but the turnips won't be around forever, so it won't have much of an effect on the rating. There are many designs for the floor that you can find using the new custom design portal feature. Another idea is to use cushions. Cushions make great bags of soil and mom's cushions make a big, cute flower for the garden.
Ultimately, there are also Nook Mile rewards for selling turnips. The more profit you make each week gets added to your score and you get Nook Miles for it! How convenient. And that's all you need to know about creating the Stalk Marketplace in Animal Crossing New Horizons.