Much like the Plains of Eidolon and Orb Vallis, the Cambion Drift open world area in Warframe offers fishing. It's a little different this time around, as these infested fish will pretty much fly to the ground. The different types of fish will only appear during the two zone cycles when Fass or Vome is in charge of things on the surface.
The taste of fish
When Fass and Vome fight in the Cambion Drift, the losing Wyrm's body will be smashed to pieces, scattering residue across the map. Both of these residues can be picked up and used as bait for infested fish, and can be viewed in the fishing menu. To open the fishing menu, all you need to do is equip one of your fishing spears.
You will need to drop the bait into the water the fish are moving through when they are not floating in the air. You cannot catch fish when they are in the water, and you can only catch fish when they are floating.
You can bring your fish to Daughter, located in the Necralisk, and marked on the minimap with a small fish symbol. You can cut the fish here and exchange coins for Girl tokens which you will need to join the Entrati Syndicate. You can also get him the Spari Spear, which is the best way to catch these fish.
Cave fish
Cave fish can only be found in caves that sink below the surface of Deimos.
- Duroid - A living fossil reminiscent of the Orokin era, this elusive fish lurks beneath the surface of exocrine pools in the deepest caverns it can find.
- Aquapulmo - These fish were deliberately contaminated with the infestation as part of an Entrati "experiment". They feed on organic deposits in cave systems.
- Kymaeros - The infestation has suborned these fish for its own purposes, using them as antibodies to repel the uninfested. They swim through and above the Exocrine found on the surface of Deimos.
- Chondricord - A triumph of Orokin bioengineering, these hardy fish have adapted to the Deimos environment and appear to be strangely resistant to infestation. They thrive in cave environments.
- Vitreospina - Whatever higher functions this fish once consumed, leaving it a mere automaton of metal and flesh. It evokes a primitive existence in cave systems.
- Barbisteo - As voracious as the infestation itself, this fish feeds on the remains of others. He avoids light, preferring a closed cave environment.
- Myxostomata - This exceptionally rare breed of fish is almost extinct, as its golden Orokin flesh has a special flavor for predators. He cautiously hides in caves.
Surface fish
- Ostimyr - Surrounded by redundant and mutated internal organs, this pungent fish is in great demand. It only emerges from surface pools in the light of Wyrm Vome.
- Cryptosuctus - Formerly Orokin scavengers, these fish succumbed to the infestation a long time ago and now eagerly feast on floating spores. They are found all over the surface of Deimos.
- Glutinox - These big fish are cannibals. They rise to Vome's light to absorb the rare gases, retreating as Fass rises to devour their smaller relatives in their lairs.
- Amniophysi - These fish hatch from translucent pods formed in the infested landscape itself. The glow of Fass activates them.