During the second chapter of Final Fantasy VII Remake, as you begin to move through Sector 8 of Midgar after completing the first mission to destroy Reactor 1, you will encounter several waves of Shinra Guards. While the guards themselves don't give a huge punch, if you're playing on Normal or Hard, it can be difficult to maintain your health without using a healthy dose of potions.
There's also an introduction of a few more powerful enemies, including Grenadiers, which are squishy but do a lot of damage, and Riot Troopers, who use a riot shield and are ultimately difficult to take out in front of them.
However, just before you escape from the clutches of the Shinra guards on the train, you'll have to face off against The Huntsman, a mini-boss who has good health and does quite a lot of damage. Plus, he looks like a much beefier Riot trooper, so getting through his defenses can be a challenge.
There are ways to defeat The Huntsman, however. Like most Shinra guards, he is sensitive to Fire damage, which means that if Cloud is holding the Fire materia, that will be your main outlet for damage. However, this doesn't work throughout the fight as you won't always have access to the ATB meter. Fortunately, The Huntsman is a big guy, so he doesn't have the best turning circle. With that in mind, make sure you're in plenty of space, and then wait for him to start taunting you. This is the opportunity for you to move around him and hit him from behind.
Hit him hard enough and you should be able to titillate him. This is when you want to unleash Punisher Mode to hit him as hard as you can. Keep repeating this and you should be able to take it down with minimal damage. Just be careful what he charges at you as it can incapacitate you for a few seconds.