Cinder Drift Normal is a new trial added in Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.2. Just like in Final Fantasy 7, this is an optional boss fight, but you'll still want to clear the Ruby weapon; all signs point to more weapons playing an important role in the Shadowbringers story later in the expansion.
Once the Ruby weapon is unlocked, you can queue it up in Duty Finder. This guide will walk you through the mechanics you will see in Normal mode.
First phase
The first half of Cinder Drift is heavy on positioning. Keep track of AOEs and watch out for boss rush attacks and you will finish the fight easily.
Stamps: A moderately heavy tankbuster.
Optimized Ultima: Raid scale damage. Protect and heal as needed.
Flexiclaw: A crack pattern appears on the ground. Depending on the next attack, you will either avoid these cracks or stand on them.
Liquification: Stand on one of the cracks to avoid instant death.
Know: Avoid cracks on the floor to avoid instant death.
Ruby Ray: A laser attack, just like Alexander's Megabeam, which targets a random player. Get behind the boss.
Helicoclaw: A swirl appears on the ground and the areas of interest will trace the pattern. There is a safe place near the left back of the boss, but it can be difficult to find.
High power referencing lasers: Stack markers target two party members. Divide the group to take damage.
Ravensflight: The boss rushes along the tire treads that appear on the ground.
Ruby Dynamics: A huge cleavage that covers most of the ground, followed by AoEs that target every member of the group. Spread out to avoid overlaps.
These mechanics are repeated until the Ruby Weapon reaches 0,1% health.
Second phase
The cutscene demarcates the first half of the fight from the second half. Fortunately, if your party fades after this point, you'll start over halfway. For the most part, the second phase of Cinder
Additions will appear shortly after the cutscene. Kill them quickly to avoid wiping.
Meteor Stream: AOEs target half of the party, then the other half.
Meteor markers appear on the ground. Move to the center to avoid damage when they fall and go behind rocks to avoid instant death.
Arrows AoEs appear under multiple players who will drop AoEs in the direction of the arrow.
Bradamante: A wide beam attack that targets a random player.
Outrage: Raid scale damage.
All of these mechanics are repeated until the boss reaches 0 hit points. The lower your party's damage, the more times the Ruby weapon will cast Outrage. Healers should be aware of their cooldown and mana pool usage, especially if there are player deaths.
After completing Normal, get ready to watch a spoilerish cutscene and unlock Cinder Drift Expert.