It is soon the holidays and you are planning to go abroad, the question then arises of the extra package, how to avoid the unpleasant surprise of an exorbitant bill. Follow the guide we tell you everything in the following.
The bad surprise of the exorbitant bill when returning from vacation is not an isolated case and we saw it again not long ago. So to avoid any bad surprises, we have prepared a small file / tutorial for you to avoid the extra package abroad (we will talk about the case of Europe here).
Check your package in detail.
The first thing to do is to take a detailed look at your package to see whether or not you can consume data abroad, but also whether your SMS, MMS and calls are included or not. For that we will have already made a file presenting you the best offers concerning the fixed prices for the foreigner.
You should know that for Europe roaming costs will disappear by June 2021 and that roaming costs are falling more and more. Currently the prices are as follows: for outgoing calls it is 0,05 € / min, for outgoing SMS it is 0,02 € / SMS and for data it is 0,05 € / Mb. You should know that receiving SMS is free.
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Cut data abroad
Obviously in all cases of mind-boggling bills the culprit was the internet abroad. Effectively poorly mastering your connection and it's a disaster, the bill goes up. One of the solutions is to put a consumption alert. So if you have the right to 3 GB of data abroad (generally in Europe), you just have to put an alert in the settings before this limit is reached, here's how:
- Go to settings
- Click on “Data usage” or “Data usage”
- Set a consumption limit and reset the period when monitoring begins
- If the alert is not enough, you can turn off mobile data when the limit is reached by enabling “Set mobile data limit”
But to avoid any inconvenience, the easiest way is to cut off your mobile data abroad. Here is the procedure to follow:
- Go to settings
- Then “Mobile networks” or “More”, it depends on the manufacturer
- Uncheck the box for “Data roaming”
Here with this manipulation you are sure not to consume data abroad, but if you want to be really certain of yourself, or a little paranoid like me, the 100% safe way is to simply cut off mobile data. You can also do it in Your country by the way, it will save your battery when you don't need the data. To do this, slide the notifications bar and press the quick data parameter.
But the problem when you cut the data is that for example you can no longer use Google Maps to find your way, fortunately there are tips. Take the example of Maps, you can download the map of the city you are going to before leaving, once there, use the GPS which does not consume any data.
Then to consult your favorite site (of course) or even Facebook, all you need is access to a free WiFi network. Many apps on the Play Store allow the search for free WiFi networks. Most of the time, when it comes to SMS and calls abroad, they are unlimited with your package.
- Read also : How to reduce your data consumption on Android
If this is not the case, no miracle solution, it's up to you to be careful or else to switch to airplane mode, but your smartphone loses a lot of its usefulness. Here we hope that this little tutorial will be useful for you to prepare your holidays, if you have other tips given in the comments.
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