Le calls and video calls arrive on Telegram, even if only on the beta version for iOS. They were announced in the previous weeks and are now finally available and should soon arrive on the official version as well. This is one of the most awaited and requested functions by users: if for many tools Telegram has anticipated WhatsApp, in this case it is very late.
The developers also took a long time to ensure maximum security and protection for users. The video calls will use the best encryption technologies, so that no hacker can ever trace who made the call. The function is active from version beta number 6.3 of Telegram which can be downloaded by everyone, even those who have not previously been enrolled in the beta program. The Android version is also expected to arrive in a few days. If all tests are successful, it is likely that within a few weeks the video calls will be released on the “normal” version of Telegram.
Telegram, how video calls are activated
A long-awaited feature that has finally arrived: phone calls and video calls on Telegram. As already mentioned, for the moment they are only available on the beta version and can be tested for bugs or problems.
The function, however, is not active by default, but users must do it following a rather simple procedure. First of all it is necessary install version 6.3 of Telegram, open the application and press the Settings icon ten times. In this way it will be possible to activate the toggle present next to the item "Experimental features". Once this step is complete, just enter a conversation and start the call.
How video calls on Telegram work
Once the feature is activated, you can start calling and video calling on the messaging app. How to do? You have to enter a conversation, press the icon of our friend at the top right and the contact card will appear. Among the available icons there are two new ones: Call and Video Calls. By pressing one of the two, the phone call will start.
The user interface of the new function is very simple: there is the icon to change the microphone, the one to change the camera and another to close the conversation.
When the new feature arrives
If the tests are successful, video calls can arrive on the normal version of Telegram already in the next few weeks. We will see how the situation will evolve.
How to activate video calls on Telegram