Valorant is a competitive five-on-five shooter where a game can change in seconds with a well-placed shot against someone, or a player lowers their ability at the right time. A lap can be as short as a minute, most of them are around 120 seconds. It's only one game, and the winning team must have the best of 24 games. How long does a whole Valorant last part?
You can expect to find yourself playing a standard Valorant game anywhere between 30 to 40 minutes. The start of each round begins when players choose the weapons and supplies they wish to use during the round. The purchase portion of the game lasts 30 seconds.
The objective of a Valorant match is for the attacking team to place the spike in one of three target locations and protect it until it explodes. Defenders want to prevent attackers from doing this and disable the peak. Either team can win by eliminating the entire opponent's team before the end of the clock or before the point explodes. If the defenders eliminate all attacking players and the attacking team places the spike, they must deactivate the spike before it discharges, or the attackers win.
Each turn Valorant has the potential to last up to 100 seconds. Those laps don't seem to stack up too quickly, but if you count, a full lap minus at least a minute and 40 seconds, plus time to prepare for a game and any overtime potential.
If you play Spike Rush mode it's much faster. This is the best of seven rounds instead of 24, so a team can win after four straight wins. These matches can last from 15 to 25 minutes.
Riot Games will release ranked Valorant will release ranked games in the future, and it should align with standard games in terms of playtime. Because characters have abilities, there might be a game mode where teams have a selection and a ban before the start of a match, which could take another five minutes.
When you sit down to play a few games from Valorant, you might want to make sure that you don't have to do too much for the next few hours. Match lengths vary, but after four or five matches, you can quickly rack up an hour or two, depending on how your teammates played against the enemy team. You can play a match, get a close win with another, and then meet up with your teammates to receive a solid W.