As you collect a massive amount of loot in Phantasy Star Online 2, you are going to come across many different types of loot. Most of the loot you will get is tagged and can be immediately equipped for your character.
However, there is loot that will be marked as “Special?”, Which means it needs to have its value assessed. This guide aims to give you an overview of how this process works in the game and what you need to do about it.
Basics of evaluation
Rating is a very straightforward process in Phantasy Star Online 2, and if you know how it works, it will become a regular part of your playstyle.
The appraisal store is where you'll need to go to appraise your gear. It is located in the shopping area, accessible using the lift in the ARKS gate area. Look for Chiara, who is next to the orange weapons stand, carrying the weapons dealer.

When rating an item, you will have two options: Rating and Enhanced Rating. In most cases, the evaluation is the option you will want to choose. Improved appraisal is much more expensive and is only really useful for higher level items that can maximize benefits.
When you confirm the rating of an item, you can choose the item and increase you want to add to the equipment. You will get more powerful increases over time as you continue to play.
Apprasing will cost you a small amount of Meseta, but it's well worth the cost for the high powered equipment you now have in your possession.
This is the evaluation process; take an unknown object and find out its value. It's easy and will become a regular routine for you. So have this cute loot appraised, equip your character, and go on your next adventure for even better gear.