If you can only reach the desk in your jumpsuit, the rest of the steps fall into place. Looking for a quick 5-star rating? We have the walkthrough below. There is no need to record multiple times - it's almost foolproof. There are several ways to take out your target, but using an Accident Kill is the easiest for a silent assassin rank.
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Dartmoor: Death in the family | Silent Assassin, costume guide only
Before trying this Silent Assassin, costume only run, unlock balcony ladder shortcut with a crowbar - you'll find it on the balcony of Zachary's bedroom.
- Items Required - Planning Phase:

Objective: to obtain the case file
Before we get Alexa, let's take the case file. Start the mission and reach the east side of the mansion. Gardeners won't notice you - they're busy looking at the ground. Apart from Kitchen, collect a pied de biche near the green van, then continue up the shortcut ladder to enter Zachary's room on level 2 of the mansion.
In his room, use the shelf switch à unlock the secret room. Go through and open the door to the hallway. Climb out the window right by leaving the secret room and climbing the pipe to reach Bureau of Alexa Carlisle.
As long as the desk is clear, subdue the guard in a non-lethal manner and hide the body. Now just solve the case - use office chair button et enter the code 1 - 9 - 7 - 5. Take the file to complete your first goal.

Objective: Alexa Carlisle
Now that we're in Alexa's office, go upstairs and wait for Alexa to return. When she comes back Use your silent gun to shoot the deer antler hanging chandelier. No complicated timing or distractions - the guard will separate from Alexa when he enters the office so you don't have to worry about hurting non-target NPCs.
And that's all! Exit through the pipe and the shortcut ladder. Just use the ledge to reach the balcony shortcut - you don't need to use the secret room to return to the ladder.
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