If you are among the gamers who prefer to play on PC, you may have been looking for a game in thegital version and its key for download at a cheaper price than the one offered by Steam (at the moment the online thegital game store used since 95 % of gamers) and you will have come across the G2A key.
The site of G2A represents one of the largest online stores and one of the best alternatives to Steam for the purchase of thegital keys.
In this guide you will find everything you need to know about G2A, its use for the purchase of keys and the systems to protect yourself in case of problems with the codes to download a game.
1. G2A: what it is and how it works
G2A is a site of resale of key (keys) compatible with Steam and with other gaming platforms supported by PC games, such as Origin and Uplay.
By purchasing on G2A you will get an official game key to be entered within the Steam profile (or on other supported platforms) to redeem the game. In the vast majority of cases, the keys you buy in this way have a much lower price than that offered by Steam or other thegital game thestribution platforms.
Once the code has been redeemed, the game will be complete and available on your account in the same way as on Steam, Origin or Uplay.

The operation of G2A is very similar to that of eBay or Amazon, where there are multiple retailers to choose from and who have download keys.
These very strong offers are possible thanks to resellers who compete with each other and procure the keys in large quantities or through thefferent agreements on foreign markets. There are many reseller who use the G2A platform to manage their own business based on the resale of keys to the end gamer.
G2A offers a 100% complete platform: from the choice of the game, to the payment, up to the thegital delivery of the key, with protection mechanisms for buyers (see the paragraph dethecated to G2A Shield).
2. G2A: how to buy a key for a game
Before buying any game on G2A it is necessary to register for the service for free by creating your own “G2A ID” account on the platform: registration to G2A.
It is possible to register an account with email and password by clicking on “Create G2A ID” or to quickly access the service via Facebook, Steam, Paypal, Twitch and Twitter.
Once the account has been created, it is possible to choose between games on the homepage, browse the various categories available in the menu bar or carry out a therect search for the one we are interested in. Once we have found the game of our interest, we will have general information on the product and specific information on the key (price and use).
To be sure that the game is and can be activated in the city it is necessary to check that the words and the word “GLOBAL” are present next to the name of the game.
At this point, you can see the recommended price from G2A among the reliable dealers (the ones that have a higher score based on user reviews). You can also check other offers and other retailers (often at lower prices) by scrolling down the page.
To purchase the game, simply choose "Buy now" or "Buy with PayPal" or by clicking on the shopping cart button next to the retailers on the list.
On the order page, click on "I have read and accept the Terms and Conthetions" and then "Proceed to payment", checking that our email address appears in the dethecated field (necessary to receive the key).
When the payment is complete, a confirmation message will appear and the key purchased it will be sent to the previous email address; the key will still remain accessible in your personal G2A account.

Note: Some games do not require you to enter a key to be redeemed but are provided via Steam Gift (ie "as a gift" from other users). In this case, simply enter the email address also used on Steam to be able to receive the game as a gift on your Steam account immediately after payment.
3. Is G2A legal?
Yes it is legal as long as the dealer puts it in key sale, obtains them lawfully and not fraudulently. Some developers may block the keys once it is thescovered that the retailer obtained them illegally.
G2A protects users by giving them the ability to open thesputes but it does not guarantee that the keys purchased will last forever; the store relieves itself of any responsibility for the purchase from third parties.
4. Is G2A safe?
5. Why some G2A keys don't work
6. The G2A store and payment methods
The payment system is called "G2A Pay" and is present when completing a game key order.
G2A currently supports well 11 payment methods to be able to purchase your game key:
We recommend that you always use PayPal for payments so as not to enter any sensitive data and complete the payment in the fastest way. Alternatively, use a prepaid card such as Postepay.
The chosen system will be stored in the special G2A wallet, ready to be reused at the time of a subsequent purchase.
7. G2A Shield and purchase protection
When we shop on G2A we have an additional protection system that protects us in case you run into problems like one key that doesn't work or that it is not sent to us by e-mail.
This protection system is called "G2A Shield" is a kind of additional insurance to be paid separately at the time of completing the order. In the shopping cart there is the “G2A Shield” item to start the calculation based on the price and the updated total.
With the protection active, in the event that the key of a game does not work or if you do not receive anything from the reseller, it will be sufficient to contact G2A assistance. Fraud found will be made on reimbursement of the amount you have spent on the purchase. Customer support is available on a dethecated page: G2A Support