Skysteel Tools are earned after completing the "Deceptive Plans" quest.
Before you can take on the new quest "Lost Plans" for your Skysteel tools, you must first unlock the Ishgardian Restoration. It's not too cosmic, and I have a full account of it, but I'll summarize it here very quickly. You'll need to reach level 60 and complete the Dragonsong arc from Heavensward (the “Litany of Peace” quest, to be precise). Once you've done that, you can take the quest "To the Firmament" and unlock the Ishgardian Restoration.
There will be one final hurdle that you will need to overcome before accepting the "Deceptive Blueprints", and that is having at least one gatherer or craftsman at level 80. The Skysteel tools, so that should come as no surprise. Once you have reached or replaced your level 80 Craftsman or Gatherer, Foundation Engineer Skysteel will offer you the quest (X: 14.2, Y: 12.5).
Once you complete the "Deceived Blueprints" you will receive a Skysteel Prototype Chest, which will transform into a Skysteel Tool for whatever your current Hand or Earth follower is (assuming you are also level 80, of course). Denys in the Brume will offer additional chests for your other level 80 Craftsmen and Gatherers for 80 gil, so don't worry about having to repeat the quest for each one (Denys can be found at X: 000, Y: 8.0) .
To upgrade your Skysteel tools, you will need to provide a specific number of items to Dionysius in the Mist, and the items will be determined by the tool you are trying to upgrade. Crafting items will be added to the Crafting Journal under the Ishgardian Restoration tab of the Special Recipe List, and Gathering Items will be added to the Gathering Journal under Skysteel Tools in the Special Items tap.
“Oddly Specific” items for Craftsmen are purchased with Yellow Craftsman Scripts in the Level 70 Items tab (look down) for 50 scripts each. Recipes will also require a normal item, but you'll want to focus on one relic at a time for fear of cannibalizing the scripts required for one class or another.
The Unifier's Oddly Specific Skysteel items will be found in new nodes added to Final Fantasy XIV, and some of them are hidden (yeah…). Anglers will need Denys' new Signature Skyballs to fish what they need from specified fishing locations, so their relic grinding will be largely self-sufficient.
There are two upgrade levels, one from iLvL 440 to 455, and the last purple level which grants the fully powered Skysteel 475 tool. However, each upgrade requires a shipment of materials. And I mean oh, and hidden objects aside, everything has to be high quality. Yeah….
That's the gist behind the new Skysteel Relic Tools for Craftsmen and Gatherers: Collect a bunch of easy-to-acquire items, craft a bunch of somewhat simple-to-complete recipes, and go all out to make your tool Skysteel better and your future efforts simpler. . Or, as longtime artisans and pickers already know: go grinding!