The Division 2's upcoming expansion brings players back to New York, but an old nemesis returns. Former division agent Keener, who was responsible for much of the outbreak in Game XNUMX, has resurfaced. With his return, players return to where they first faced him, but he has several allies with him ready to support him, and these warlords rule parts of Manhatten. As the expansion returns to New York, players can expect to see a lot of new changes, such as the environment, gameplay, new features, and more.
The big takeaways
There are several great things players should know about this expansion.
- Maximum level increased from 30 to 40
- The Warlords of New York prologue takes place in Episode 3, which is a free update
- New equipment, weapons and skills
- Infinite progression system
- Dark areas renovated
- Legendary difficulty and overall difficulty level
- Seasons with free and premium tracks
You can play the prologue right now in Episode 3, available in The Division 2. It takes players to Coney Island, where they learn what Keener has been up to since Game XNUMX. You can expect to see small connections with Keener and his team of warlords, providing a viable reason for the Division's agents to pull out of Washington DC and return to New York.

The new weapons, gear, and skills make sense for expansion. The gear system will work a little differently, with the readout information directly informing players of how a piece of gear is helping their current build. If you've looted a particular talent at least once, you can apply that specific talent to your favorite piece of gear, upgrading it further to suit your playstyle. could help players diversify their builds, allowing them to pick and choose how they want to use their agent. Additionally, new skills will come from warlords. When you defeat them, you receive their unique skill to use to move forward. These skills include shock mines, holographic decoys, and long-range sticky bombs.
Dark areas, The Division 2 large player versus player areas, are getting some changes. The in-game Rogue Agent mechanic will receive a simple and straightforward change to make it easier to switch from Rogue to Friendly. Additionally, if players choose to help each other out, they will receive more rewards for working together, encouraging random players to help those they meet.

Following the launch of Warlords of New York, players can prepare for the game to receive seasons to continue advancing new content in the game. These seasons will include powerful new NPCs for players to battle with. what they need to track down. These NPCs are going to blend in with the overall gameplay narrative, so they're not just bullet sponges to shoot every time they show up. Seasons will also include new world events, different leagues, and unlockable weapons and gear as they progress through the game. There is a free and premium version, with the premium version having more clothing, gear, and gear. res