While Apex Legends is free, from time to time we will see significant sales of exclusive items for premium currencies. The latest premium sale, Summer of Plunder, just dropped today and gives players the choice of six different premium packs. Their price ranges from 700 to 5000 premium currencies.
New bundles of exclusive items
Here's a look at all of the new auction bundles that offer exclusive items never seen before in Apex Legends.
Dressed to Kill | Price: 2500
Image via Respawn
Image via Respawn
The Dressed to Kill bundle is a bundle with Loba. It automatically unlocks her as a Legend if you haven't already, and also gives you two new exclusive items. The rare Elegante skin for Loba and the legendary ivory croc skin for the P2020.
Holy Grail | Price: 700

The Holy Grail bundle is the smallest bundle available. It includes the new Goblet Pistol Charm, Legendary Apex Pack, and 7 Rare Apex Packs.
Lucky cat | Price: 2000

The Lucky Cat Bundle includes the adorable new Fortune Cat Pistol Charm and 25 Rare Apex Packs.
Treasure Trove | Price: 5000

The Treasure Trove pack is by far the most expensive. At 5000 Premium Currency, you receive the exclusive new Shifting Sandstone rare skin for the R-301 Carbine and 50 Apex Packs.
Return of items
While we've covered all of the new items on sale, there are also two premium bundles that give players a second chance to claim some of the character skins from the Voidwalker event, gun skins, and a frame. banner.
Phase change | Price: 1500

The Phase Shift Pack brings back a group of three rare fan-favorite skins. Blossom Lifeline, Counter Culture Bangalore, and the Night Light Prowler weapon skin. As the second cheapest bundle on sale, this is very good value for money, especially if you play these characters often.
Voidwalker | Price: 3300

The last premium pack in the Summer of Plunder sale is the Voidwalker pack. This is the second most expensive bundle and includes Wraith's legendary Voidwalker skin, his legendary Void Shadow banner frame, and the slightly underwhelming third entry of a rare pistol skin called Gnarly for the RE-45. That said, the other two cosmetics featured are probably worth it for a Main Wraith.
Is there a summer package your heart is tied to?