While Terraria's graphics can be bright, colorful, and a bit cartoonishly pixelated, not everything in the game is as light as it suggests.
The game is full of bosses to contend with and many of them can be quite difficult. They take the form of many intimidating creatures but all share a similar quality with each other - making you want to tear your hair out.
To help you prepare for these upcoming battles, we've got a list of the 10 toughest bosses in the game and why you should prepare for a tough experience.
Duc Fishron

This boss comes in the game's Hardmode and he's up to that difficulty. You'll probably need to acquire some post-Golem gear to take this guy down. That's really all the advice we can give you for this boss: get yourself some good gear and try to survive. Defeating him will earn you formidable and powerful equipment.

While not as difficult as the other bosses on this list, Golem can still get a punch if you're not ready for him. He is fairly easy to summon and can be taken down with the proper equipment and take advantage of his weakness to bounce projectiles.

Once you've taken down three mechanical bosses, you'll be able to summon Plantera. This boss deals a lot of damage and is also very mobile, moving quickly around the battlefield with ease. Make sure you stock up on durable gear before trying to take on this monster.
Wall of flesh

This is the last pre-Hardmode boss you fight before the world gets tougher. The point is to attack his eyes and it's pretty straightforward. The key is to build a bridge to do this. Without a bridge, combat can be a nightmare.
The Mad Cultist

This boss comes after you take down the Golem, and while it can pack a big punch, its health bar is relatively small. But beating him is how you can summon the Heavenly Towers, which are Hardmode events you'll want to participate in.

Many consider this boss to be the toughest mechanical boss you can fight in the game, in large part because the Twins are essentially two bosses in one, because you've taken down every eyeball. With two giant creatures coming after you, both relatively fast, this fight will take a lot of focus and maybe even a little luck to overcome.
Skeleton Prime

To beat Skeletron, all you have to do is destroy his head. It sounds easy, but it's made more difficult when you have his other four limbs who can go wild and deal good damage. If you prepare and play well, he won't be as difficult as many of the other bosses on this list, but will lose his focus and he may get angry.
The destroyer

This giant worm is divided into different sections which all share a health bar. The problem arises when you realize that each section contains a red probe, a mini-boss that is launched when the boss takes damage. Dealing with these guys isn't necessarily difficult, but it's boring when you're also trying to destroy the bigger Destroyer.

Much like his Prime counterpart, Skeletron just needs his head destroyed for the fight to be over. But its members can easily bring you down with one mistake. You'll almost certainly have to destroy his arms before you get to the head and if you get caught in his spin, it's over.
Moon lord

Easily the most difficult of the toughest, this boss will force you to think about how you play the game differently. This will require you to build arenas in a different way, craft different potions, and fight in a way you didn't have before. As the game's final boss, it makes sense that he's the toughest. Put it on Expert mode as well, and good luck.