The EVE Echoes release date is slated for Spring 2020, but the game is now in open beta and according to reviews it does the trick. All is well and in the Fallen in this new Eden, parallel to that of EVE Online, of course. The game does not support cross play which may be a shame for some old school gamers. But, it also brings a lot of new possibilities and in particular allows new players to enter the fold. It's a chance to start things over again, to have a whole new adventure, to start over, and if you have the enthusiasm and the willpower all you have to do is play smart and you will have the time of your life.
EVE Online has been a game enjoyed by The Multitudes since 2003 and it has never stopped being online since reaching The unimaginable heights in those sixteen years. It has well over 500 active subscribers at all times, a cult and a vibrant community, with many important aspects of the game directly influenced by players and coalitions. Things should play out the same here, so the community aspect is actually the most important part of the whole experience, and so we'd like to point out some facts about correct online social behavior as a first tip and tip.
Be polite in social interactions
Being polite is something you think about growing up, and being polite to others is also about yourself. Showing that you have the self-respect and dignity to manage your behavior will always instill respect in you, and that goes for these kinds of MMO social environments. Talking to someone in a polite manner, asking them first before inviting them to a group, and not doing anything bad to other players will be noticed, improve your social and in-game status, and in a game like EVE Echoes, it matters.
Being in a strong alliance is what elevates the gaming experience to a whole new level and opens up possibilities like no other. But no strong Alliance will even want the socially intrusive people among them, The people who could pollute the experience for everyone or give the Alliance a bad name. So understanding the rules of behavior and always keeping in mind that you are playing with other living, real people is what, in the end, will help you have a better experience.
Tutorials for beginners
EVE Echoes may be a mobile version of its PC predecessor, but the game is no less complex. And, it comes with its own set of mechanics, new features, and other stuff all familiar or unfamiliar with former EVE Online players. So, it is better for new school or old school players to go through all of the in-game beginner tutorials. You will learn a lot about the mechanics of the game, but for observers it is a chance to learn. much more about the game.
It's a well-known fact that NetEase, which brought the game to mobiles, and CCP Games, the original creators, both have their ears low to the ground and listen to commentary from the players and the community. Thus, the tutorials are designed with great care to improve the skills of the players in the game and the game will also offer you a survey at the end of these tasks, so your opinion matters. Completing the tutorials will give you a head start and allow you to choose your development path more wisely in the game. Whether you know it or not, EVE Echoes, like EVE Online, is a game of vast possibilities and, unfortunately, a game of possibilities. one player cannot try them all and you have to choose your own path, so it is important to make an information decision.
Getting a better ship is the name of the game, as logic goes, but perhaps even more important is getting the right type of ship for you. Each type of ship in the game has a different specialization, corresponding to their type, and you can buy them in the market.
It's a good tip to familiarize yourself with as many different types as possible, and their intricacies, before choosing to buy one. There are six types in total and each one focuses on a different aspect, for the most part. The broadest general vessel types are divided into six categories, namely:
Frigate - Smaller ships focused on damage, but also many other functions for non-combat activities. They are not meant to be the first to rush into battle as they are fragile, have smaller cargo capacity, and are smaller than some other types.
Destructive - bigger than frigates, destroyers are also good damage dealers and are quite fast. However, they also have a higher stamina level for combat, compared to frigates, but their downside is that they are weak against battleships and cruisers, where frigates shine. Broadly speaking, they are better for PVE than for Frigates, but not for PVP.
Cruiser - they also have a high damage level, are larger than frigates and can adapt to a larger number of mods. They also have great mobility and are good in overall situations, but not particularly great. A sort of: jack of all trades, if you will.
Battlecruiser - they are between battleships and cruisers, in terms of combat balance. They deal more damage and take less damage than Cruisers, but have lower mobility due to the size and weight of their armor.
Battleship - slower than most, battleships concentrate on combat for the most part, as the name suggests. However, what they lack in other aspects is high durability, high firepower, and combat prowess overall. They can take large amounts of damage, also deal high damage, and are quite scary in a space battle.
Industrial ship - unlike battleships, industrial ships focus on non-combat activities and are quite weak in combat. They're slow, don't really have much damage and not that much armor, but they're big and can hold huge amounts of goods, which is where the trade-off comes in.
For a newcomer to the world of EVE, this might be the best advice when choosing a versatile vessel, like a Battlecruiser or a Cruiser. Battle cruisers are much more expensive and you might have to really shine with your economy skills to get it in a reasonable amount of time, but it's worth it. However, ships that only specialize in certain aspects are intended for the later stages of the game, when you have a well-developed infrastructure to cover their weaknesses.
Ship statistics and equipment
Pressing and holding a vessel name will give you the information you need and it is highly recommended that you spend as much time as possible to find out more about the vessels you are interested in or own. In addition, ships can be upgraded with several types of items. Different types of ships can contain different amount of these upgrade items and it is essential that you choose the right type of weapons to get the ship's bonuses and everything lined up. For example, some ships increase the charge speed and damage of the missile launcher, so equipping a missile launcher is the way to go for most situations.
As you level up, new choices will open up for you and you can switch from Cloning skills to Ship skills. It is recommended that you try to make a healthy union between the two, as focusing only on one aspect will make you eligible for that respective aspect of the game, and you should cover both if you want to survive and thrive in this relentless universe. Also, you need to check the category of the ship by tapping the icon on the upper right side of the XP bar, which will give you the category details. You can then check your unlocked perks and decide which way to go.
Skill points are rewarded with leveling up and continuous and steady progression in the game is the way to go. Some skills may require more than one point, which makes them much more expensive but much more attractive. It is for this reason that you should focus your initial points on the skills you need now and leave them harder to achieve later.