The Empire: Age of Knights release date was October 9, and the game is ready for testing. It is a promising mobile strategy game that is already enjoying moderate success on Android. He is first hailed for his membership in the famous Empire game series, and then for his choice to go from the medieval era. After that, the game has a lot of highlights including its smooth, cartoonish graphics that hide immersive and complex gameplay, so let's dive into…
Development and reception
The Empire: Age of Knights mobile game is brought to you by Goodgame Studios, a Germany-based online game company founded in 2009. They began by releasing Goodgame Empire in 2011, a free castle-building strategy. , naturally set in medieval times, as a browser game. Web browser games were popular back then, but after mobile gaming broke in the market, the company developed or acquired the rights to many other titles, such as Goodgame Farmer, Goodgame Poker and many more. 'other.
Empire: Age of Knights Android sur Google Play has already been downloaded over 100 times. It is a free game, which naturally involves in-game transactions. However, the astonishing thing is that it already has nearly 000 votes and an overall score of 7 stars!
Since the last Orc invasion, the world has changed a lot. Men's lives returned to normal balance and they were at peace for some time. During this time, Lords and Ladies have founded new kingdoms, naturally endowed with beautiful castles, all of which are focused on trade and prosperity. However, peace is never everlasting, and if you want peace, prepare for war or “Si vis pacem, para bellum” as the old Latin saying goes.
This is where the player comes in, as a knight in charge of one small settlement. And this is called the gameplay of "housing development". However, Empire: Age of Knights brings some unique characteristics to the development and strategy of the house. Also, the appearance of the game makes it look new.
Housing, which starts out small, can grow and expand as you move forward and build new buildings. For these things you need to res