The best secrets we've found so far are more than callbacks and references that casual fans might miss - you can find major non-canon video game villains, ridiculous Easter eggs tied to memes and tributes to. There's a ton of cool stuff, and we find more Easter Eggs the further we get through the game. Below you'll find all of the weird and hilarious things we've found so far.
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Mira, Towa et Android 21
There are two major villains that you will come across that don't even come from the anime - they aren't from any of the animes or movies. They're video game characters, and they're fan favorites.
In the Cell Saga, you can optionally explore a Red Ribbon Army bunker. There you'll find Android 21 - a brand new Android that's the main villain (and a new character) in. This evil android eventually merges with Buu, becoming a truly terrifying warrior. Right now, he's just a scientist you can talk to.
After completing the Buu Saga, you will find one final battle waiting for Goku. Mira and Towa - the villains of - have resurfaced and are more powerful than ever. Mira, the Demon King, is your real final challenge. It's a great reference for fans of the Xenoverse games, and a great way to end the game with a snap.

Stupid Sexy Krillin
Krillin's defined butt gets the benchmark it deserves. During the Frieza Saga, Krillin gets an elegant costume of evil alien armor - the same one Vegeta wears. After putting on the costume, he notices that "Looks like I'm not wearing anything at all!"
That same line appears in a famous meme-ified swap in Season 11's "Little Big Mom" episode. While on a ski trip, Flanders wears an extremely revealing outfit, wiggles her butt and repeats the line. Krillin repeats it exactly, with the same energy that squeezes the buttocks. It's a character's ass that we really didn't need to see.

Return of Dragon Ball characters
In the first arc alone, you'll find tons of characters from Goku's previous adventures in. Before adding a "Z" at the end, was a cute little cartoon about a monkey-boy named Goku. You can find tons of these old characters everywhere - there's Emperor Pilaf and his team, one of the main antagonists in the series. You can also do quests for Eighter - a.ka. Android # 8 of the Red Ribbon Army. Speaking of Red Ribbon, one of Goku's deadliest opponents, Assassin Tao, even makes an appearance.

Even more Dragon Ball stuff to find
You'll also find tons of Red Ribbon Army stuff - the Evil Army is one of the main enemies Goku faces in Dragon Ball, and you'll find bots and bases everywhere. The Red Ribbon Army are the villains who crafted the evil Androids you'll face in the Cell Saga, so finding their remains is a fun treat. Most of the standard ground enemies in the first saga are RR robots. You can also find old bases - open them to earn Mechanical / Robotics crafting materials!
Fishing Goku
Very early in the game you will learn to fish with your tail. Goku and Gohan can fish with their tails - and this all refers to the very first episode of. In this show, a young Goku undresses completely to snatch the giant fish from the river with only his tail. But Goku and Gohan won't undress.
There is one more fun detail in the game. At some point in the story, Goku and Gohan will have their tails permanently cut off. So when they go fishing, they just attach a new tail. It's a fun little animation that shows just how much detail is in this game.

Dragon Ball re-matches
All of your major opponents - at least, those who aren't canonically restored - can be brought back to life with a wish for Shenron. After collecting seven Dragon Balls, you can summon the magic dragon and select a wish. Reviving your allies is linked to history, but if you want to match old enemies like Nappa or the Ginyu Force, you are free to do so.
It's not just time-jumping boss fights. The resurrected characters actually have a special dialogue, wondering why they are back in the land of the living. If you manage to win, they won't stay long.

Vegeta's Bad Man Shirt
It's not really an Easter egg. It's not a reference - it's just part of the show. Vegeta, in the Cell Saga, wears a pink button-down shirt that says "Bad Man" on it. There is no way around it. It's the most beautiful shirt in history, and Vegeta immediately acquires it at the start of the Cell Saga. It's great, and I'm glad the developers (and all in their right mind) agree that it needs to be front and center.

The driving episode (You know one)
Most of the time, sticks to the barrel. It follows the major beats of each storyline, but there is one filler episode that it totally indulges in - and it's one of the best. At the start of the Trunks saga, Goku and Piccolo take a driving test.
Vehicles can be driven around the vast areas of the open world of, so it's great to see an entire mini-game quest on this questionable part of the story. Even the two driving instructors from the episode are involved! Unfortunately, Piccolo is not wearing his awesome "Post Boy" t-shirt. It's a costume DLC piece begging to happen.
Time Machine de Trunks
Trunks' Time Machine is strangely underused in the show itself - but it does serve a handy function in. After completing the game, you will have access to the Trunks Time Machine, and it is suggested that it be an integral part of access to DLC episodes available in the future.