Here are the 14 Most Memorable Boss Fights of 2019. Some are ridiculously hard, some are totally unique, while others are just frustrating enough that I couldn't forget them. We've covered the top 10 secret bosses already - so we're only talking about the bosses you'll need to face in the following games. To limit myself, I only chose one boss per match. Otherwise, this list would be much longer.
Now, break your knuckles and make the hype, because here are the best bosses of 2019.
Isshin, the Holy Sword (Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice)
The ultimate skill test and hardest boss of 2019 is without a doubt Isshin, the Saint of the Sword - a truly terrifying final boss, and the culmination of all sword fighting skills you'll learn in . . Hell, Isshin may be the toughest boss of the decade, but there's something incredibly rewarding about finally taking this cocky jerk off.
It all depends on the learning process. The common experience most people seem to share with Isshin is to crush defeat after crushing defeat - slowly learning more skills, eventually fighting off his lightning-fast attacks, and ultimately becoming a true sword master who can overthrow it. Like virtually everyone else who has experienced this exciting battle, I thought this fight was impossible in my first attempts. When I finally defeated him, Isshin could barely scratch me. There is nothing better.
Mr. X (Resident Evil 2)
Mr. X is the telltale new foe that completely changes the flow (and fear) of. Mr. X, the imposing and invincible tyrant who chases Claire and Leon throughout the police station. He has become an iconic horror character - take a look at his memorable mods. There is no permanent solution to stopping MX It keeps coming - even if it means breaking through walls and knocking down doors.
What makes Mr. X special is that he never gives up. He never disappears and he never backs down. You can only stun him temporarily, then he'll get back to his feet - his massive footsteps signaling he's looking for you. You'll hear his footsteps everywhere you go, and a stray gunshot will instantly alert him of your location. He's a truly unique and scariest foe on our list.