As the world is teeming with side missions and story missions in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, there's plenty to do on the side. The developers Bandai Namco have gone out of their way to test the limit of your skills by placing a list of achievements and trophies for the game, some of which are beyond the linear story of the game. You have to go out of your way to find some of these. achievements and complete them.
Here is the full list of trophies and achievements available in Kakarot:
- A Dark Omen - Defeat your first villainous game.
- Bye-Bye, Buu - Complete the Majin Buu Saga
- Can't Touch This - Get 50 instant wins over enemies
- Do-gooder - Complete 10 sub-stories
- Down with the demon kingdom! - Win a battle against Mira
- Dragon Ball Master - Get all trophies
- New Champion of Earth - Complete the Cell Saga
- Emperor No More - Complete the Freiza Saga
- Evil All around - Defeat 20 villainous parties
- Excavator - Destoy a rock blocking a cave
- Flashy Finish - Win a battle with a Super Finish
- Old Enemy - With the simulation battle against Piccolo
- Fountain of Knowledge - Unlock 400 entries in Encyclopedia Z
- Get out of my head and spin in my car - Build a hovercraft
- Get Greedy - Summon Shenron five times from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish
- Heavy Medal - Collect 100 D medals
- Helping Hand - Complete a sub-story
- Highly Skilled - Acquire 50 Super Attacks or Masteries in the Super Attack skill tree
- Let the building begin! - Build a machine part
- Medal Madness - Collect 10 D medals
- New Power - Gain a Super Attack or Mastery in the Super Attack Skill Tree
- Not Worth My Time - Get instant victory over an enemy
- Only the Finest - Make five full meals
- Purging the Plague - Defeat 30 villainous parties
- Push It To The Limit - Complete 10 challenges in a training location with any character
- Robot Rider - Build a bipedal Robo Walker
- Shenron's Favorite - Summon Shenron 10 times from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish
- Tell Me More - Unlock an entry in Encyclopedia Z
- The Power of Friendship - Use 10 Super Attacks
- The Voice in My Head - Receive a telepathic message from King Kai
- Nothing like a home cooked meal! - Prepare a complete meal
- Thirst for Knowledge - Unlock 200 entries in the Z Encyclopedia
- Tough Enough - Complete a level 10 challenge in the training room
- Turtle School Legend - Complete 50 Turtle School Training Challenges and report to Master Roshi
- Turtle School Master - Complete 20 training challenges at Turtle School and report back to Master Roshi
- Turtle School Intern - Complete a Turtle School Training Challenge and report to Master Roshi
- Who needs a phone? - Receive 20 telepathic messages from King Kai
- Wish Maker - Summon Shenron from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish
- Worse for Wear - Complete the Saiyan Saga
- Z Combo Zealot - Perform 10 Z combos
Several of these achievements that you will naturally be able to complete by playing the game. Others, such as completing training grounds locations, turtle school challenges, instant victories against enemies, and building docks. 'a bipedal walking robot are probably things you need to get out of your way. Kakarot is a semi-open-world action-adventure RPG title, so there's plenty to find if you're up to exploring. If you are desperate to find stuff, the game will likely reward your curiosity.